Daily Alta California, Volume 39, Number 13003, 20 October 1885 — ABOUT THE "ALTA." [ARTICLE]


They Continue to Like It.

; The : daily ? Alta California coines i. to r hand just five days old. It ; is; the ne«r.'A.LT.\ that we ; speak of, with John P.* Irish as editor-in-chief. ; Mr. Irish left the Oakland Tim ts tor the more responsible position he now holds. As in Io wa,' so in California, Mr.' Irish is one of the best newspaper mea in the State.* 1 -.- The Alta £ already shows his individuality, and more than it ever has been, it will become the leader of ." the : Democratic party in California. There ' seems to be nothing more on the Pacific Coast for Mr. Irish to conquer.—[Davenport, Iowa, Democrat. • ■ Colonel John P. Irish, who has [ undertaken the editorial management of the '. Alta' Califobsi a, is probably the ablest - editorial writer on the Pa-* cifio Coast. If in addition to the force and brilliance of his own work, already demonstrated, Colonel Irish ; shall prove to be possessed of that rarer and more important ■ talent, editorial executive ability, tha march of the Alta to | the foremost rank of Pacific Coast journalism has begun, and it will be a quick march.— [ Virginia City, Nev., Chronicle. Since Colonel Irish has taken charge of the Alta California, it must be said that the old paper gleets its readers cheerfully every morning. Its present editor is, in oar opinion, the best editorial writer and paragranher in the State, besides being a good fighter, — [Oakland Independent. The Alta, nnder the management of Colonel John P. Irish, has become one of the - best papers of the Pacific Coast. It is fall of news, and bright, sparkling editorials. Colonel Irish haa won a national reputation as an able and versatile writer. On political subjects he is as " mad as a March hare" — all wrong; bat he knows. how to make a good paper, for all that. — [Marysville Appeal. The Alta has again changed hands, and will now be edited by John' P. Irish, ex (ioveraor Johnson to remain • bneiness manager. Mr. Irish is one of the brightest editorial writera on the Coast, a liberal, anti-Examiner Democrat , and ■ a brilliant opponent of the Hearot-Henley combination. As journalistic associates Messrs. Johneon and Irish will make a newsy, wide-awake paper of the Alta. — [Santa Barbara Press. The announcement has been made that the Alta has passed under the editorial control of Hon. John P. Irish. Without entering into any phase of the unfortunate divisions of the California Democracy, it is only iust to say that Mr. Irish is one of tbe most accomplished writers aud talkers in the United States. His journalistic career as editor of the Oakland Times scarcely gave the true measure of his ability. In the larger arena' in which he is now engaged he will doubtless show the mettle that is in him.— [Los Angeles Herald. Hon. John P. Irish has been placed in control of the editorial columns of the Alta. Mr. Irish is a formidable writer and a politician of experience and ability, and he will make the Alta a financial and political success if anybody can. — [San Joe6 Herald. ■■■' ■