Los Angeles Herald, Volume 20, Number 71, 10 November 1883 — An Interesting Find. [ARTICLE]

An Interesting Find.

| |Measrs. J. H. and A. J. Painter took a t ipto the top of the Sierra Madrea.back of Pasadena Higtihuids, last week, and made OttHs uu interesting Uu<l while there, in the shape of an excerpt from a Topographical survey made by Dr. F. Kampf as executive officer; W. A. Cowles, topographical assistant; Frank Holland, Meteorological assistant, It ia dated July 17, 1875, and givea heights of several peaks of this range. Among others, what tbey term Disappointment Peak, seen aa a sharp point just north of Col. Banbury's residence, and given as 6800 feet high. Tbey termed this by the above appellation because after several days' effort they failtd to reach it ou account of its inacceseibility. The record states tbat the party were en route from San Fernando to the peaks, thence to Santa Clara. — Pasadena Chronicle.