Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXX, Number 35, 9 November 1902 — Powers Is Indorsed [ARTICLE]

Powers Is Indorsed

At a meeting last night of old soldiers of the Union and Confederate Army, it was decided to organize a club called "The Old Guard." for the purpose of taking t.n active part ,n the citj' campaign and electinij worthy and efficient gentlemen to fl'.i the various city office.?. Major W. H. Heistarrt was elected president, t>. It. Walterst, secretary; S. Rheams, treasurer. Thres president, Major Heistand, spoke at length, the subject being, "Nor Is the Winter of Our Discontent Made Glorious by Our Summeriand." It was resolved that "The Old Guard" devote its energy ane use every honorable means' to elect P. W. Powers mayor,, and Thr-odore Sumtaerland to the city council, as well as the entire Republican ticket. The president proposed thrc-e cheers for "that friend of all hones* labor, that faithful servant of Lhe people,, the watchdog of the citytreasury, Pomeroy W. Powers," which were given with enthusiasm.