Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXXI, Number 353, 17 September 1904 — RECALL CANDIDATE WINS HOUGHTON ELECTED TO COUNCIL Winner Carries All Precincts but One Davenport Loses by Majority of 751 Votes [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

RECALL CANDIDATE WINS HOUGHTON ELECTED TO COUNCIL Winner Carries All Precincts but One Davenport Loses by Majority of 751 Votes

Dr. Arthur D. Houghton was yesterday elected councilman from the Sixth ward to succeed J. P. Davenport by the comfortable majority of 751 votes. Davenport succeeded In carrying only one precinct, the Seventy-seventh. In that precinct 182 votes were cast. Of these Davenport received 96 and Houghton 86. The total vote polled was much lighter than was expected by either faction. Only 2878 votes were cast. The registration in the ward shows that 5600 voters were qualified to vote at this election. The heaviest part of the vote was polled early in the morning. From this the impression spread over the city that a very heavy vote could be expected. About 10 o'clock, however, there was a decided slump and by noon there was a deadly calm at all the polling places. Clean Election Both sides expected trickery and preĀ« cautions were taken accordingly. The result was one of the cleanest political battles ever seen in the city. The Davenport people maintained stoutly even as late as 5 o'clock that victory would rest with them. A few ballots counted in each precinct convinced them of their error and people began to figure how big Houghton's majority would be. The day developed one surprise for Davenport's supporters. ThiS was the (Contlnned on rage M'wo)