Los Angeles Herald, Volume 34, Number 239, 28 May 1907 — ALL HAIL. HEALY! [ARTICLE]


Councilman Barney Healy of "de Ate" ward, £ >kindly, good-natured man at !arge fa/nlly and patriotic impulses, has about persuaded the city council of Los Angeles to declare, in vigorous language, that "It shall be a crime, punishable by fine or imprisonment in the city jail, or both, for any landlord or owner of any house for rent to prescribe that said house will not be rented to persons with children."

And Mr. Healy is not only right in forcing the issue, but the children of Los Angeles, as well as posterity, will owe him a debt of gratitude that may never be repaid.

Posterity must have some chance, and the man and woman with children must not be pilloried In public scorn or driven out of house and shelter because they are doing God service in rearing a family.

"No children" is the fierce and unAmerican slogan of landlords throughout all the cities, and to our shame it is heard and seen in this beautiful Los Angeles of ours with increasing numbers.

It's time to stop it! It's time to lielp the American family to the rightful enjoyment of home, and therefore more power to the gooa right arm of Barney Healy.