Marysville Daily Herald, Volume VII, Number 276, 1 July 1857 — «■*!• ( hxHrc* t»r »i»* IPro»»*rrmtlc l4t)lN,rnat»rtal t [ARTICLE]

«■*!• ( hxHrc* t»r »i»* IPro»»*rrmtlc l4t)lN , rnat»rtal t

The Ex pre**- which heretofore iaib«ii re)ttark*hi> «N»dT cm th* gubernatorial •jflii, a#s»*rted ill '*• wftte «f restordy. that "the returns indicate with sufficient cl*re»' that flof)u John B. Welter still &• the nominee of the ftaamCMh f nr f *OTeniar. fVrh*i» th# Express in au unguarded moiwnt hu b«n guilty of * too free expression <A opinion. Thp Ripfws Nis PWTtkiog to low and nothing to g*in, by favoring any catei toe th# oaae, ** are «urj»rii*#d to hear «t int.rttate that nnr candidate has * clear field,— The nw*t rfIUBTM® pltlHlfflll frrtTitfliMf if W** 4 a il t - {ifritDptinfi of Ifftcfpfi. hi**' ihftl i pmi io bold md uiiPff mt htmtrd wi W#Hh *iil im ! MrnoorAlic Hi bmotld- ill ibt |#M ill of fhoifi Mr W #»!!#? flMflt •!*? k rmo t ftrrjr ihn p9 W<) %# r%flfcr 'tl*l CfWflltT "" $'*< t t9 $<»aieegtsßiw» m Notk VtMif.— tfv in no f n<mr«« tfiti IM'Vrldt. !t i# <*oan <tetttir fimerted hr tbe frteada of this geoiir -y. iliilfltfitloii McC&rkie men." &tiaed neutrality *nd thereby irmatijr injurcfi »ne 'tt»t '-Hp "-Pturni indicate with e,|f?i,.;.".clearness that Mr, Weller will be the nomine*. The fight ia not orer yet. McCorklp {,»«• 'tier! if aad 's>sfk-•».••««», and >s 1 •,»t ♦■» 1 - frightened off the track by blaster. Just at the Keystone to-morrow. A liTely time ma* be exacted inasmuch as two sets of de cro-< We ion't 'now what ails 'hem, ••••. j W6 htar tbfttii t-h<*? will iiifcki? iiiG "fur At." What this portends is known only to j Him who knows nil things. We adrise the j opposition to lay low and keep dark, and let ] Failure or tsb St ire Jocr.sal Office. | We learn iVota the Item that aereral attainments of hea*r amount? were placed upon i ternooa. "n Friday evening Last an attachment for about $|,09U wag placed on the office bx Mr. Prindle, the foreman of the job office. Security for this amount was promptly given. At about (ire o clock Monday afternoon. < . attachment for $21.106,§5 in faror of A. li. McNeil, waa serred by the Sheriff, and the place closed up. This was quickly followed oy others of sirmilßr khiouiiU. This chum is upon notfi), ostal of which was git en to John White for $2, £56 85. A secoati note was gjefwi to McNeil on Saturday.— Ihe date of the third note, we were unable to leant. B. K. Hastirips attaches for #8.819. — l*he entire amount of the suits eommenecd, *0 tar its we can laarn, is near $Bo,UW. We Hear 'hat another attachment for fil'i,•X*t from Lloyd TVfi-. is expected from R-tfl I* raiti iseo in consequence of these difficulties the .Journal did not appear this morning. --»»Aitair n or the Sosora.—The mail steamer >'-mira arrived i» San Francisco last ex aiag. ( HR*r.—lt ig sajtl tli&t Democrats were for sale in >seramenui al the primary election, lor fMtstfhjitu emit. Cheap as dirt. Htm t*AP&n Txlkkb »«*.—lt ie steited tb-tt a new Hcpahhcan (taper is to be issued in Sacramento In a few Jars. Tbe name spoken ol is "The Republican Watehmeu. I»LX JirsAKHRs. — I he steamboats lying idle at ->ays the Age, are the Conti-tSen-'e, t •ru'iit, BragJou. l*ike, <taa«lle, Swan, Queen City. £an» %ule, Wallamet. American Kagle. \ ftutig America, Enterprise and Ha;: S*r Mo. i. ' hat ssibnt. —Last week Win. 9, Long wai * i audi date tor 'Istfrnor; now he aspires to the Comtf tlierkship mt Saeramento. The Vge offers te interpose in his behalf and pre 4 "Ml the City Manslial to appoint him p*mmmUf on the pohee. '•ArATtrrt's BtarROAT —Jt is stated tfwt ' th»j!Tcr the oration on tl centennial auniTersary of Laiayette's hirt» day, at San Jrancisco. k i o hare the Jul munhe? of Htrtehings Magazine, which cos tains 'nuch mtereaung matter, cspeeiJUy ft • J!!?****"* tb * *^ tor u< ' h * Soman t'sth WrttHy revtew, denounces the recei. ♦t» . dfe * ,4lleß "» terma, ot