Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 52, Number 142, 9 February 1885 — NEWS OF THE MORNING. [ARTICLE]


In New York Saturday Government bonds were quoted at I*l lor Is of I'M'; 112% for .>£;; sterling, $1 -4®4 87J4 ; 101 for 3s; silver bars, 10*% yii Silver in London, 49' ._<t: consols, 99% d; 5 per cent. United States bonds, extended, 105; 4s, liv, ; 4%5. iis%In San Francisco Mexican dollars are quoted at 8-i;4@S6 cents. Stocks opened weaker in San Francisco Saturday morning, but at the 9:30 session Hale & Norcross suddenly strengthened, and after this prices were tinner for the favorites. In the other stocks there were no changes, and business was very dull. A railroad collision at New Brunswick, N. J., Saturday, caused a lire which destroyed nearly *1,000,000 worth of property. William Ilickcy was fatally shot by Lee Linn, editor ol the Wabash (Ind.) Courier, Saturday. Rev. Hebcr Newton is to be tried for heresy in New York. The French have Captured a Chinese detachment in Toni'iiiu. Hanlan easily defeated rl fiord hi a sculling match at Sydney, N. S. *"*., Saturday. There are 300,090 unemployed workingmen in Paris. A number ol valuable Signal Service records were destroyed by fire In Washington Saturday. The Senate has passed a joint resolution accepting the Grant collection of medals, etc. In the House Saturday Reagan failed to secure unanimous consent to take up his interstate commerce bill. The bill authorizing the construction of a Pacific telegraph cable has been favorably reported to the Senate. Extracts from the diary of Private Henry, of the tireely expedition, who was shot, have been published, and reflect severely on Grcely. Serious collisions have occurred in Texas between Mexican marauders and citizens. Mrs. John F. Behreus threw her husband Irom a second-story window in New York Saturday night, nearly killing him. A skating race took place on the Hudson river at New Windsor, New York, Saturday. The excitement in the Hocking valley, Ohio, has been renewed by the strikers. The overdue steamship Alaska has been heard from at New York. News from the Soudan is not favorable to the British. Italy proposes 10 send 35,000 troop*; to the Soudan. Two anarchists were executed at Salle, Germany, Saturday, for attempting the life of the Emperor. The eldest sou of the l'riuoe of Wales is to marry a daughter of King Leopold, of Belgium. Thomas Morris was taken from the calaboose at Schullenberg. Tex., Saturday, by a mob, and hanged. Vice-President-elect Hendricks arrived in New Orleans Saturday. The shooting of a well-known citizen of Eureka during a Chinatown riot resulted in the expulsion of the Chinese colony from that place. Thornton McKlroy. the pioneer journalist of Oregon, died Saturday at Olympia, W*. T., from heart disease. A successful trial trip has been made at Portland by the steamer Telephone, said tinfastest stern-wheeler afloat. Two tramps who committed burglary were examined, committed for trial, arraigned and sentenced before 11 a. m. at Bakersfleld, Saturday. W. J. Bcnnet, a prominent citizen of Pasadena, committed suicide by hanging Friday. In the seduction case at Victoria. B. IV, the jury returned a verdict of £6,500 damages. Two more indictments lor polygamy were brand at Salt Lake Saturday. William C. Godbe committed suicide at Wood River, Idaho, Friday, by shooting. A fire in Oakdale, Stanislaus county, yesterday morning, destroyed seven frame buildings. At Lake City, Modoc county, Vf. It. King stabbed and killed Captain William Wallace. A woman named Strong was found murdered in Reno. Nev.. yesterday, and her former husband has been jailed for the crime. The Boyle Heights Hotel w>».s burned in Los Angeles Saturday night. The steamship Alaska, several days overdue, arrived at New York yesterday. Yellow fever has broken out on board the United States steamer Lackawanna, now at Guatemala. Tilden desires Cleveland to appoint General ' Francis C. Harlow, of New York. Secrctarv of War. At Daggett, yesterday morning, William Curry ■hot and killed James D. Egon,'who was burglarizing Curry's residence. Ella Miller was struck by a train and killed at Huntington, Pa., Saturday night, and her sister Annie seriously injured. Cleveland visited Tilden at Greystone yesterday. William 1). O'Sullivan. of the firm of Sullivan A Ravekes, of this city, died yesterday in San Francisco. *