Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 62, Number 100, 16 December 1889 — ALL ACQUITTED, [ARTICLE]


The Defendants in the Wham Robbery Case Found Not Guilty. Tucson (A. T.), December 15th—The Wham jury was charged at noon yesterday, ard after being out less thau two hours, brought in a verdict ot not guilty. The crime for which the defendants were tried was committed May 11th, about 1 o'clock iv the afternoon, near Cedar Springs, Graham county. Major Wham, a Paymaster of the United -lates army, with aa escort of eleven colored soldiers, was on his way to Fort Thomas to pay off the soldiers. After leaving Cedar springs the ambulance entered a narrow gorge, in which it was found a high bowlder had been rolled. The soldics got out of the ambulance, taking their rifles with them. While in the act of removing the rock, they were fited upon from ambush. The soldiers sought shelter behind the rocks, but by a tlank movement ol the robbers were driven out, and alter uinc of their party had been wouaded, sought safety in flight. Major Wham and Dlerk Gibbon remained concealed behind the rock uutil their escort fled, when they also departed. The fight lasted nearly two hours, and SJti.GOO was secured by the robbers Two weeks afterwards the defendants, M. K. Dunningham, Gilbert and Wilford Webb, Lyman and Walt Follett, David Rogers aud Thomas Lamb, were arrested. The trial has engendered a great amount of bitter feeling in Graham county among the Mormons, to which church the defendants and witnesses belong. The verdict ot not guilty rendered so readily occasions much comment.