San Francisco Call, Volume 78, Number 58, 28 July 1895 — BERKELEY'S BOATHOUSE. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


A New Building Just Completed for Students In Sessions Basin.

The Sport Seems Likely to Assume a Prominent Place This Season.

The University of California's new boathouse, which has been under course of construction for the past six weeks, is readyto be turned over to the board of club directors.

The new structure occupies the site of the old one which was burned last April, in Sessions basin, on the Oakland Estuary. The building is seventy feet Jong and twenty-four feet wide, one story in height, and will remain for the present with a rough finish on the interior.

W. G. Morrow, treasurer of the club, said that although the club realized $2400 from insurance yet there was only $1700 left with which to put up a ne^ building, properly equip it and purchase new boats and shells. The building alone, without ar.y interior finishings or furniture, cost $550, and by the time the new shells were

built th« treasury would have been entirely exhausted. He said: The last race was yery disastrous to us, for we bad gone to the expense of erecting a grand stand for our guests, and on the very night before the race with theColumbias the boatbouse was destroyed. As a consequence our audience was small and the gate receipts likewise

meager. It is our intention to expend about $500 more ou the house later, in building a balcony all around it, and in furnishing ladles' and gentlemen's dressing-rooms. We are now having built two 40-foot fouroar gigs, two working boats, twenty feet long by twenty-four inches wide, and a single small two-oar craft. As soon as it is possible for us to do so we intend to build several pleasure boats, perhaps two row and two sail. The cost of maintaining the house will be about $500 a year, outnide of furnishings, which will be required from time to time.

When asked what the prospects were for races during the coming season Mr. Morrow said that Stanford had informally agreed to row against the university in '97, but no definite conclusion had thus far been arrived at. He eaid that from all indications boating would form a prominent part of university athletics during the coming year. The present officers of the association are: President, Samuel Colt Jr.; vicepresident, Professor C. L. Cory; secretary, Morton R. Gibbons; treasurer, W. G. Morrow.