San Francisco Call, Volume 86, Number 61, 31 July 1899 — Succeeds Disgraced Gloria. [ARTICLE]

Succeeds Disgraced Gloria.

OAKLAND. July 30. St. Joseph's Portuguese Church on Chestnut street was thronged to-day with an unusually large congregation. Rev. Father A. D. de Campos, formerly of Napa, and who hast gained many praises for his good work in the missionary field at the Sandwich Islands, has been placed in charge of the church and parish, temporarily at least. Father d.- Campos made a decidedly favorable impression, so much so that the unpleasant notoriety of Father Gloria-, recent unfrocking seems now to be a thing of the world and not of the church, where supreme harmony dwells twixt priest and parish. ■ ♦ ■