Sausalito News, Volume 35, Number 36, 6 September 1919 — JOHN DAGGETT, ONCE CHIEF OF S. F. MINT, DIES [ARTICLE]

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Widelp Known Mine Operator Came to State in 1853 from New York

San Francisco.—John Daggett, former superintendent of the San Francisco Mint, and Lieutenant Governor of California in 1892, died Saturday night, August 30, at Black Bear, Siskiyou county. Daggett, who came to California from New York in 1852, was among the well known early Callfornians. He engaged in mining in Nevada in 1852 and early in 1853 came to California and entered State politics, where he played a leading part until his retirement from the superintendency of the San Francisco Mint, in 1897. Daggett was nominated for Lieu-tenant-Governor at the Democratic convention held in San Jose June 23, 1882. General George Stoneman was nominated for Governor on the same ticket. Stoneman and Daggett swept the State, defeating Morris M. Estee and Alvah Conklin, the Republican nominees, by 18,000 votes. Daggett, during his term of office as Lieutenant-Governor, became conspicuous because of his opposition to the Barr bill, a legislative measure put forward by the People's party to place restrictions on the then growing power of the railroads. The bill passed the Assembly, but on several occasions, when under consideration by the Senate, received a tie vote, Daggett casting his vote against the bill and defeating the measure.

Daggett was appointed superintendent of the San Francisco Mint by President Grover Cleveland in 1893. His appointment was said to be the first time a large producer of the raw metal became a manufacturer of the finished product in the shape of coin.

He was a member of the old San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board

in 1895, during the presidency of George I. Ives. After his retirement from the Mint, Daggett returned to his mine at Black Bear, Siskiyou county. He led a secluded life up to his death, devoting himself entirely to directing the work on his mine. He is survived by a son, Benjamin Daggett, and a daughter, Margaret Daggett, both of whom resided with him at Black Bear. Miss Daggett is a member of the forestry service of Northern California.