Daily Alta California, Volume 22, Number 7447, 11 August 1870 — CALIFORNIA. [ARTICLE]



Saokambnto, Auguit I uh.— Admiral John F. Winriow wai reoeived hero to-d»y by a spontaneous gathering of citizens, and a salute by a squad of ten men of Captain Joe Davit' Light Artillery Company. The reception and oheers of the people were gratefully acknowledged in brief and pointed lemaik* by the distinguithed recipient.

Joseph Proctor has effected 'a lease for three years of the Metropolitan Theatre in this city, and will open the same in connection with the management of the California Theatre. .' , .. JJhj'.'.lnrmwhnlf'.ar tncumit tr i»r nj t mj* TiUbman, who wa«, killed last evening by Deputy (sheriff Denny. '1 h ■ jury, composad oi A. E. Bidwell, Corr, George Cox, Wart en Ueaton and K. U. Blassioir. af^er beaiiox th» testimony and visitor the locality of the homicide, returned the f ,llowinirvordioc -%,~ ' ' ■• "We, the jurors summoned toirqu're into the oause of death of the deceased, do nod that T. Tilghm»n came to his death from the tff»o»s of a ■UL-ihot wound, inflated at the hands of J. Denny, special Deputy Sheriff. We lurther find that the aot. was done in seli-iiefenoe." , «_.,.' A SolioiiiDg Committee for each Ward in the city has been about to-day taking ßubioiipMon', to be offered for the beneQt of the wounded Prussian noldurs. Ssveral large donation < have already been made. . , ■•)■; ■- • ...


Stockton, August 10th.— Mrs. Abraham Klkon, while laboring under a temporary fit of imanitj this afternoon, crept oat of bed and out her throat with a rssor, almost fevering the head from the body.

ProfeJßor E*ra S. Oarr will deliver the annual addrßfs before the San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Fair, on the evening of September 22d. An enthusiastic . Merman wir meeting is being held here this evening. [w.ri <1 108 ANBILIB. t ! Los ANoibifl. August 10th.— Thirty-two city pas sengeis, for San Francisco, sailed by th» Orizaba, yesterday, from Port Ban Pedro. She was detained' fire hoar* by shallow water on the bar. The first lemons of the new crop are going forward. ' " »•('" .;■•■. .^ ....,-. ... .'■ . ' •. Shipments of honey, corn and wine are largely increasing. :: i , ....... . ...'. ....... ...


Los Anokmcs, August 10th.— A train with six hundred and eighteen bars of bullion arrived to- day from Cerro Uordo.

Iho artesian wall struck flowing water in the town of fcjanitrnai'dtno at 128 feet. Not one ftiluro has yet been made in sinking artesian well* in that county. Upon the farm of Mr. Baell, a mile from San Bernardino, n growing a cucumber of the enormous length of seven feet ana on* iooh. It is reported that a Mr. Longstreet has been hung by a party of native Californians near San Bernardino, for horestealing. MARYSVILLE. M iBYBYiLti, August 10th.— Nearly 1600 was subt crib ad to the German patriotio fond in a few hours to-dsy, and in only a portion of two wards. J odhua Kaaogb sues tor a divoroe from his wife. K»t« Kntiuh. and lAnn Brady sues .for a divoroe from Peter Brady.


Woodland, August 10tb. -Great prep ■ratlom are being made here for the camp meeting. Forty tentt are already on the ground, all are engaged, and more are being built. It oommenoei to-mor-row evening, and a lsiga crowd is expeoted. Iho Lodge of Druids is increasing rapidly.