Daily Alta California, Volume 37, Number 12609, 21 October 1884 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. STEAMERS WILL BAIL FROM T^-_ BROADWAY WHARF, San Fraaciaoo, *£§(?&?* for all Coast Ports, as follows: , ..-;-•■ ,..; POBXS ' ' ■ STEAMERS — DAV3 OF SAXUHQ. Wrangle, Alaska > . Bitka, Alaska.... > Mexico...... 10 A. m., Oct. 22d. Harrisburg, Ala ) (Bee note below.) Victoria.. 1 Port Townsend Queen of 1 10 a. m. Seattle ~~.~.~. , the Pacific, ' Oct. 6, 14, 22,30 and Tacoma .......«« r Mexico, f Nov. 7, and -every Olympia - J 8th day thereafter. Steilacoom J - Portland and ; See joint advertisement Or. R. b N. Astoria, Or...... . Co. and P. 0. 8. S. Co. Eureka....... ...... 1 City of Chester, Arcnta......—...... • ■ - Wednesdays, Hookton— ..»~~ ) 9 a.m. Point Arena.~... I Little Eiver...... | Yaquina, Mendodna. —... >■ Mondays, 3p.m. Whitesboro ...... I Noyo...^^..^...... J Sheltered Cove . . Yaquina ........ Oct. 2uth, 3 p. m. Cuffey's Cove.... *,.';;, Santa Croz- ~..« ) Monterey.......... Los Angeles 8 a.m. San Simeon ...... Oct. 2, 12, 22. Cayucos....... .... Eureka ..8 a. m. Port Harford-... Oct. 7, 17, 27. San Luis Obispo Gaviota...... ...... Santa Barbara.- - San Buenav'nt'a Hueneme San Pedro. Los Angeles.... J Port Harford.... San Luis Obispo Orizaba 9a. m. Santa Barbara... . Oct. 6, 15, 25. San Pedro......... 'Santa Kosa.. ....«........-— 4 p. m. Lob Angeles...... Oct. 10, 20, 30. San Diego.......... TAKING FBXIOBT JUTD COMBUSTIBLES ONLY. The San Vicente will sail every Tuesday and Friday at 4 p. m. as follows : Tuesday TrlD — For Amesport— Santa Cruz, Moss Landing Castroville and Watsonville. * Friday Trip— For Pigeon Point, Santa Cruz, Soqu9l, Aptos. Moss Landing, Castroville, Watsonvil'e. and Monterey. Sueneme.... 1 3an Pedro... > Newport, October 13th, 4 P. M. Newport ) Via Santa Cruz. Dompoc. ....". >-AIex. Duncan. Oct. 14th. ...4 p. m. Via Santa Cruz. Note.— The steamer Mexico, sailing from Broadway wharf October 22d, at 10 a. m., will connect at Port Townsond with steamer IDAHO for Ports In Alaska. TICKET OFFICE 214 Montgomery St. GOODALL, PERKINS b CO., General Agents, No. 10 Market street. San Fr tucisco. PACIFIC MAILSTEAMSHIP GO. THE COMPANY'S STEAMERS WILL »£4S» HONGKONG, via YOKOHAMA CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO Nov. 22d CITY OF»TOKIO.. December 9th At 2 o'clock P. M. Excursion tickets to Yokohama and return at reduced rates. For NEW YORK, via PANAMA, GRANADA Noveber 1st AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M. Taking freight and passengers to MAZATLAN, ACAPULCO, CHAMPERICO, SAN JOSE DE GUATEMALA ACAJUTLA, LALIBERTAD and PUNTA ARENAS. .... FOB .... HONOLULU, AUCKLAND and SYDNEY CITY OF SYDNEY .....Saturday, October 25th At 2 o'clock p. m. Or Immediately on arrival of the English Mails. 13?- TEN DOLLARS additional is charged for Upper Cabin passage. For freight or passage apply at the office, corner First and Brannan streets. WILLIAMS. DIMOND b CO., Gen'l Agents. FOR PORTLAND AHDASTOBIA. OREGON .£«, THE OREGON RAILWAY AND NAVf*gmM£* GATION COMPANY ahd PACIFIC COAST ■"■"Ri™ 8T E A MSHIP COMPANY will dispatch from Spear-street wharf, for the above ports, one of their new Al Iron Steamships, viz.: Columbia, State of California and Oregon. SAILING DAYS. # October 1. 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, And Every Following: Five Days, at 10 o'clock A. M., Connecting at Portland, Oregon, with Steamers and Railroads and their connecting Stage lines for all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories, British Columbia and Alaska. Ticket Office, 214 Montgomery street. GOODALL, PERKINS Ac CO., Agents, No. 10 Market street. San Francisco. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL Steamship company, .... FOK .... JAPAN AND CHINA. Steamers leave Wharf, corner First and Brannan sts., a o'clock P. M., for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Connecting at Yokohama with steamers for Shanghae Steamer. 1884. From Francisco. OCEANIC THURSDAY, OCT. 30th ARABIC TUESDAY, NOV. 11th SAN PABLO THURSDAY, DEO. 18th EXCURSION TICKETS to Yokohama and return at reduced rates. Cabin plans on exhibition and Passage Tickets on sale at C. P. R. Company's General Office, Boom 74, corner Fourth and Townsend streets. For freight apply to GEO. H. RICE, Freight Agent, at the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Wharf, or at No. 302 Market street, Union Block. T. H. GOODMAN, Gen'l Passenger Agent LELAND STANFORD. President. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMP'Y - FOR HONOLULU. THE SPLENDID NEW 8000- TON -^^ Steamships will leave the Company's <rf?*V-r^fc Wharf, corner of Steuart and TTnrriirnn rflMii raS streets. ALAMEDA Saturday, Nov. 15th MARIP08A Saturday, Not. 1st At 3 P. 01. Excursion tickets at reduced rates. For further particulars apply to J. D. SPREOKKt^ 6 BROS., Agents. 327 Market street. my 10 FOR HUMBOLDT BAY, EUREKA, ARCATAAND HOOKTON OABBYISQ THX V. 8. MAIL. THE STEAMER HDMBOLDT, I-Sal^M^ GEORGE PATTON Commander Will positively leave Jackson-street wharf . for above ports at 9 a. m. snarp, on SATURDAY, Oct 25th. and every Saturday until further notice. Positively no freight received day of sailing except Fruit and Vegetables, and these will not be taken after 8 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage apply to SEARLES b STONE. 33 Calif ornla st. Boom S ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY. AGENCY, Ho. 506 Battery St, San Francisco. SHIPPERS ARE HEREBY INFORMED jrfBfr that arrangements have been entered Into£g2& between the Koyal Mail Steam Packet Company . ■ Ann thjs Pacific Mail Steamship Company, By which TREASURE and PRODUCE can be forwarded by the Steamships of the two Companies, under through bills of lading to ENGLAND and the CONTINENT or EUROPE. CARGO FOB BREMEN AND HAMBURG shipped through from Aspinwall without any detention twice a month. ■*-*"..• Through First-class Tickets are issued from San Francieco to Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton, at a reduced rate of $200, U. S. gold coin. Steerage tickets, $1OO. . For further particulars, etc., apply to the Company's - ABe nL CHARLES MASON, British Vlce-Oonsul. Agent Crescent City and Happy Camp, Cal. Waldo, Klrbyvtne, Sailor Diggings, Ashland and. Jacksonville, Oreeon. THE NEW STEAMER CKESCETT CITY, SSlSaaJ CAPTAIN STOCKFLET.I .........Master For freight and paoooge, apply to , . HOBBS, WALL b CO., Agents, je3 - 314 to 334 Soear street. Hercuants'; inftepenOrat Steafflsiup line ■p OT victoria. Port Townsend, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Seattle, New Tacoma, Bel- , Ilnj! ham Bar, Wbatcom and all Ports ■ :•;■. on Puget Sound. T^^ M^MINGTON, ' . * For freight or passage, at reduced rates, apply to . F. BABNARD b CO., Agents, •;■ mhl2 609 Eattory street,