Daily Alta California, Volume 39, Number 12969, 16 September 1885 — THE SOCIETY CONCERT. [ARTICLE]


Campobello** Benefit Attended by a Crlt. leal and Fashionable Andlenee.

The only dissenting opinion expressed by those who attended Campobello's benefit at Irving Hall last night was the extreme length of the programme, which detained the auditors until nearly 11 o'clock. Socially and artistically the entertainment was a pronounced success. Whether listening to|the splendidjbass voice of Earl Formes, or watching with intense interest the perfect execution upon the violin of little Pauline Joran, there was a feeling of en rapport between the participants and the auditors which is most gratifying to record. The occasion served to introduce two pupils ef Campobello, Miss |May Mitchell and Miss Adele Martel, the latter of whom made her first public appearance. Miss Martel's voice is a contralto of unalloyed sweetness. Her rendition of the ballad, " Because of Thee " elicited hearty applause. Miss Mitchell, who has not yet attained her sixteenth year, made a most favorable impression at the recent production in this city of "The Marriage of Figa.ro," Although Miss Mitchell's Italian selections wer« well received last night, it was her charming rendition of "The Blue Bells of Scotland '' and " The Last Bose of gammer" which won the sympathies of the audience. The beneficiary, who received several hearty recalls, sang for the first time a ballad of his own composition, entitled " My Sole Command," which ' bids fair to become a popular piece of mtLsic. The several artists to whom were, Ghtrnsted the respective numbers performed their work well. The concerted music, under the able direction of Signor Enrico Sorge, added not a little to the success of the evening. In act first of " II Don Paequale," which closed the programme, Signor Campobello appeared and sang in a manner well calculated to captivate the susceptible hearts of the female portion of the audience, while Miss Mitchell, in the character of his fiancee, cave fall play to the witcheries of her sex with the self-possession of a veteran actress. Last night's concert will shortly be followed by similar entertainments, to be given under the direction of Signor Campobello.