Daily Alta California, Volume 42, Number 13709, 14 March 1887 — Jlarket Beview. [ARTICLE]

Jlarket Beview.

There bas been a good trade in progress in the merchandise markets during the past week. Jobbers report an Increase iv orders from their traveling oalesmen, particularly from the southern sections of the State. The outlook for the coming harvest Is eaid to be very favorable and dealers anticipate that trade will continue good throughout tbe year. Arrivals of merchandise from the East by rail and sea continue large, and stocks are rapidly being filled up for the anticipated business activity. In the Dry Goods and Clothing trade new styles of goods are toeing received and merchants from the Interior are being attracted to tbe city to make their purchases. The Boot and Bhoe trade is In good condition, and as buyers have only purchased sparingly during the Winter, trade is expected to be good, as lines have to be assorted np. Active competition among manufacturers has caused a reduction In prices, and goods Are now being offered to the trade on email margins ot profit. During the week two steam*** h&ve arrived from Panama, brlng.ng large quantities of Hardware, Iron Pipe, Oils. Soap, Drugs, etc., from New York, and for shipment to China about 400 bales Cotton Sheetlcg?, a quantity of Condensed Milk, docks, Arms and Ammunition, etc. These steamers also brought from Central America a total of 19,406 bags of Coffee and 7235 b«gs Sugar. Three Sugarladen vessels have arrived dmfng tbe week from the Hawaiian Islands, bringing an aggregate of 42,091 begs Bug*r. The British bark Mallsgate brought from England 1559 tons Steel Bails, and a vessel Is just in from Hongkong with a full cargo of Bice, Tea and Chinese merchandise. Several Coal- laden vessels have arrived from foreign ports, most of which will go into consumption for manufacturing purposes. Bagar Is selling freely at the recent reduction In prices. Canned Goods are moving steadily and stocks are being reduced. The new pack of Salmon has been largely sold ahead and prices have been firmly held. CoSee is in better demand from jobbers and there Is come inquiry for shipment East. Tbe Bedwood Manufacturers' Association have advanced tbe prices of the following grades 12 per 1000 feet : Rustic, Clear. T. and G. and T. and G. and 8., and T. and G. merchantable $1 per 1000 fe* t.

The Wheat market has been marked durlrg the past week by active fluctnati >te, particularly In f oturee. R rot prices have been correspondingly affected, but it <s said that but few tran*actiO3B have been closed, holders generally expecting an upward movement. The vessels engaged now to load Wheat number bat twelve, with a total tonnage of 16,330 tone, against 26,969 tons a year ago. Five arrived tinder prior charter and one Iron vessel has accepted daring the week 25s to load Wheat to the United Kingdom. Tbe disengaged fleet numbers seventy veeeels of which sixty-three are in this port and eeven at San Pedro. The total disengaged tonnage in port suitable for Wheat loading aggregates 104,500 tons, against 64,157 tons a year ago. The vessels on the way aggregate 183,617 tons, and 17,069 tons for ban Pedro, against ISO.OCO a year ago. Freights are weak and several iron ships are offering at current rates, "vhlle wooden vessels are either laid up or aooept'Cß coasting business in Lumber or Coal. Tbe «pecnlative market for Wheat has been active, and fluctuations have been numerous under large transactions. Tbe market has largely depended on the ■condition of the Chicago market, where a deal in May option it pending. Buyer season option at the Call Board last Baturday sold at $1 63 X, sold up to » 71 on Tuesday and down to $165* on Thursday, closing at $1 66* per cental. Buyer 1887 sold at tl 49* last Baturday, sold np to $1 74J£ on Tuesday «nd down to $1 es=!£ on Friday, closing at $1 70 X on Saturday. Seller 1837 closed at $1 49 X at the end of last week and sold at tl 66 on Taeeday, declined to tl 50X on Thursday, and closed for the week at 4161 X per cental. The feeling at the close was rather steadier, under a better tone to the Chicago markets. Tbe Liver poo; m\rket« show«d bat little demanfl for cargo lots and spot Wheat closed rather easier.

The Btrley market has also centered principally In the Call Board. Options have fluctuated and receipts have generally gone Into warehouse agaiost O«ll Board contracts. L'uyer season options closed last Batnraay at 99e per cental, bnt sold gradually np until f 1 C)4H was reached on Wednesday, when a decline set in, and on Friday sold at $1 01 per cental, doeing at $102rf, having opened on Saturday at tl 0334 per cental. The other option* showed corresponding fluctuations, while spot lots were ia tat little demand from consumers of either bre vlrg or feed grades. Oats have been rather easier, under free arrivals from Nebraska. . Corn has also come from that point freely during the week, and prices favor buyers, although values are said to be firmer at shipping points. During the past week more activity was shown In the pros nee markets than at any time during the eeafion. The warm weather was the direct cause of all Hpds of produce being sent to market In larger quantities and prices ruling lower. Green Peas, Aspexegus. Bhnbarb, • etc., came In larger quantities

and sold more readi'y. This week will probably see such Vegetables sold by the bos Instead of pound; as heretofore sold.^ Old 1 Vegetables loontinue: in good demand for shipping purposes at firm figures. V Potatoes ruled steady and advanced in prioe. . : , Fruit has teen cxceedibgly dull ; and weak. - Arrivals of Oranges were free and prices are low.':' Lemons and Limes are only steady.; Apples are plentiful and choice Varieties tell fairly well." The Honey market shows bnt little activity, and- only the 'very choicest extracted w ill bring to > quotations. Trade ]in this grade is reported ss . being good for this . season of the year. : Comb Hooey finds a rather inactive market and only best grades receive attention.' Beeswax seems to be to more active demand and sells readily at quotation*. - HHHBRBHBHSBE

• The Butter market ruled steady during the week. Arrivals have been free and the, extra demand from outeide markets is all that keeps prices from lowertog.. Arrivals of Eggs during the past few days have been heavy,' and prices show, a decidedly weak feeliDg. Tbe Cheese market continues weak; stocks are heevier and demand limited. Provisions were firm and of an advancing tendency all week. .- Poultry was firmly held, owing to a scarcity of good stock. Game is not plentiful but receipts are fully ample: ;