Imperial Valley Press, Volume 11, Number 18, 5 August 1911 — PLANNING A LONG TRIP DOWN THE COLORADO [ARTICLE]


At a special meeting of the stockholders of the Holton Power Company, held at Redlands on Tuesday forenoon, It was voted to increase the capital stock of the company from $500,000 to $1,000,000. A week ago a meeting of the stockholders was held, and at that time the advantages of increasing the capital of the corporation in order that the various plants in the Imperial valley might be expanded to met* -the growing demands were set forth, and Tuesday's meeting was a ratification of the general sentiments expressed at the previous gathering. : y'i . The stockholders also authorized the issuance of bonds up to the milliondollar limit and the additional capital thus provided will provide for present and future extensions of the power plant, ice plant, etc. The Holton Power Company is now erecting a quarter of a million dollar power plant in El Centro. This will be the fourth power plant owned by the company. It has two power plants on the Alamo river at Holtville and a steam plant at El Centro that has been used at various times as an auxiliary to the Holtville plants. The new plant being erected here, however, will put the company in an independent position where shortages of water in the canal or breaks in the old steanv plant will affect the valley' service. "■- The new plant is to have the first large installation of the system of producing fuel gas from crude oil and it willbe watched with deep interest by engineers and contractors. The storage capacity of the ice plant at El Centro will be increased in connection with the other developments planned by the Holton Power Company. The remarkable expansion of the produce business and shipping interests in this valley has made a demand of icing cars and for its use in other capacities that the ice plant has been heavily taxed to meet, although day and night shifts have been employed. The .enlargement of the ice plant will probably take place during the ensuing winter. The new power plant may be in readiness for operation by the latter. part of January. It is the aim of the Hotton Power Company to at all times keep its various properties up to date and at the highest state of efficiency, and as the general business of the Imperial valley develops to .expand its various plants to meet the demands made upon them.

Proposes Separate Water System for. Tree Irrigation in El Centro,