Los Angeles Herald, Volume 4, Number 99, 20 July 1875 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NEW ADVERTISEMENT. SPECIAL NOTICE! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! Dillon & Kenealy Most respectfully inform their friends and the public that they are now fitting up in the most improved manner the store lately damaged by fire, 86 Main Street. And will open there on The lath Instant With an Entirn Now Stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, AND Gents' Furnishing Goods. Our buyers in New York aud Snn Francisco having purchased these goods for CASH, we will be able to offer inducements never seen before iv Los Angeles. From our business connections with the best houses in America and Europe, we can always display tho latest novelties for the season. Previous to removal we will sell'our present stock at n great sacrifice. Terms Cash, and STRICTLY ONE PRICE. DILLON & KENEALY, 18 Los Angeles Street. Jyl lm .J. L. TVARD, Commission Merchant. AGENT /ETNA INSURANCE CO.; UNION INSURANCE CO. (Firk and Marine); FRENCH INSURANCE CO. No. 8 Commercial Street. _ Jy4 TERRANT & PTERRE, Asphaltum Roofers. PAVEMENTS PUT DOWN IN ASPHALTUM —AT I 111 — Lowest l a o«»aIl>lc Rates. High Street, Near Mascarel Street. Je2s lm* »1 YEARS OLD! PIONEER HARNESS and SADDLE %g MANUFACTORY. ™ S. C. FO V, Importer, Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail dealer In Saddlery and Harness of all kinds. Sulk Harness, Trotting Harness, Heavy Draft Harness, Oenuino Concord Harness, Robes. Blankets and Whips—ln fact, everything pertaining to a fiist*class Saddlery House. THE VERY BEST CENUINE LOS ANCELES SADDLES. The best brands of Saddle, Harness and Sole Leather, always on hand and for sale at wholesale and retail. Harness Oils, Soap* «V liluciii- <£. Repairing Promptly Done. JSo. 17 I.< h Angeles Ht.reeet. LOS ANGELES, CAL. SW Prices as low as any house on the coast. feblSlf SANTA MONICA HOTEL MORGAN & MONROE, PROPRIETORS. Jeltf WHEN YOU GO TO SANTA MONICA Take your meals at MRS. ANTHONY'S RESTAURANT Where you will get the best of fare, finely cooked, and ut RKA.SOJNXIL.IS PRICES. Jestf