Los Angeles Herald, Volume 25, Number 55, 7 May 1886 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

• CITY OF PARIS. g Of Southern California. aB^VK THK LARGEST STOCK ! ■bHHNH THK FINEST UOODftt Aud UNIFORM LOW PRICES I ''^MEbBKF^ 105.107 aid 109 NORTH SPRING ST. * a * • m\ What Did You Have to Pay for Carpets Before LION Opened His Carpet Store? NOW IS THE TIME TO~BUY CARPETS CHEAP! WE ARE THK ONLY EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE IN LOS ANGELEB TO-DAY. We boy aid Sell for Cast, and Hereby can save you Money oa any article la our Store. Bet Prices Any Where on this Coast and we can Undersell Them. WE HATE AN ENTIRELY~NEW STOCK OF GOODS AND DEFY COMPETITION. "-ESTIMATES GIVEN. SO Homomber the Flaoo. Ijions Carpet Store 116 WEST FIRST STREET, NADEAU BLOCK. • faJ-Al.-IO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AQENCY-ajH| ~ m m± m BURR PARLOR FOLDING BEDS I SAVE RENT AND BUY A BURR BED. Do not inn to See Them. Ovver AOOO No wln ( on « his Const. ' ' ' CLOSED. roar2Q

CONSUMPTION And all the various diseases of the HEAD, THROAT AND C H EST, Including tbe EYE, EAR AND HEART, Successfully treated by M. Hilton Williams, Bl D , M. C. P. S. 0.. No. STS North main Street, Next Diamond House, Los Augeles, Cal. All of the respiratory organs treated by tbe .Kreau system of practice, which enables ua to bring the remedies into direct oontact with tbe diseased part. These are in all cases combined with proper constitutional remedies for tbe liver, stomach, nervous system and blood, etc CATARRH. To all those wbo are afflicted with any of the different forms of Catarrh we would say there is no disease which presents a greater diversity of symptoms—none more loathaoire, insidious and dangerous than Nasal Catarrh, especially if complicated, as it almost always U, even from its first appear auce, with an affection of the throst. From the earliest symptoms (which are generally attributed to "cold in tbe bead") to the various ugly aud distressing stages through which the disease passes, the patient is hopeful of recovery, and rarely gives il proper attention until certain alarming symptoms present themselves, denoting unmistakably tbe rapid advance of the malady to the lungs. Indeed, so various are the symptoms that the presence of the disease id uot always known, or even suspected, till it has reached the more advanced stages. The disease may or may not be attended by a dls charge from the uostrils or tbe throat, but there is usually present a morbid secretion and a frequent disposition, especially iv tha morning, to clear tne throat, and the effort to do sols often, though not always, attended by expectoration; there la a sensation of heaviness in the frontalpart of tbe bead,and tbe brain sometimes suffers to an extent producing headache, vertigo and confusion; it becomes difficult to think clearly and to concentrate the mind, tbe memory becomes impaired and the intellect enfeebled; despondency of spirits and an excitable condition of the nervous system. Such Is the ef feet of the disease, and if to this train of symptoms (which not infrequently leads to insanity or idiocy) we add many of tbe more loathsome physical effects, as caries, or rottenness of the bones of the face and bead, a most offi ii -ive smell to the breath, and corrupt, morbid and poisoned secretions, destruction • r serious injury to the souses of smell, hem-ing, Bight and taste, we have a catalogue of horror* which should lead any person to sank*! e*rly and proper efforts to eradicate tbe disease while It is ln a curable stagePeraous desiring treatment by this system of practice oan use the remedies at home as well as at our office, and whioh will cause no luconvenlence or hlndranoe to business I have seen so many of these cases cured that I do u<»t consider any case hopeless unless the disease has advanced to the cheat and tint both lungs «re seriously involved. The Inhalations aid us in dissolving tbe mucus and . n routrac.'lng and healing the cavities, which nothing else can do with tbe The very bet-t references from those already cured. CONSULTATION FREE. Those who denlre to consult me in regard to their cases bad bettercall at the office for consultation and examination, but If Impossible to visit tlie office personally,may write for "List of Questions" and circular, both of which will lie sent free of charge. Address n. HILTON U 11 i I t us. m. D., 275 North Main Street, Loe Angelea, Cal.

LOOK AT TUTS I IAAA 0F THE FINEST BUILDING LOTS IN LOS ANGELES. .UUU LOOK AT THIS TRACT OP 128 LOTS, J til COVKHED WITH SPLENDID BEARING I 111 IT run s LOTTIE STREET. E-L-E-C-T-R-I-0 L-l-N-K . I 116 I lg Ui 128 Bj g ANOILI. Hon PLACE. 4 i . i M - Itj w . « « } 5 Ig g , g 11 g I 5 I 1 ■ % i —; fg r I—H1 —H < L z=z < " ai ■ ■ at S nCKKT 9 STRUT 3 2 ? i IB 1 tzzz I \j = 1 il * | I— — ° EESEE3 — Ezr ■EE — 3 __ a) j "~ow nlaf , it» nt I| J ia ut ut. M I CONANT STREET. Two Lines of Street Railways Aad wlthla Ma mioataß of tha Poatof&ce by tha new rirat atreet KLECTKIr KAILROAD, work oa which win be commenced on or before the 15th of thia month. CsV-Norn la ike Time la speculate.-aara, (fr-Thli la ne l OTTEnv 1 It doea uot require an auction aale to let rid ol THESE lots! Thar are aa Hear ■he Plaza as the .mid. Tract. CUT waiter le pipe* around Ihe tract. win be aold now for tha aezt two tW AT FTtOM *300 TO ■BOO.'VS If yon taiaa thlt chance you will be aorry, aa the prlcea will be doubled the day work !■ commeaced on First atreet. 1 aiao have a rexr One Hat of norma aad LOTH, both on Boyle Half ala and all oyer other carta of ike city. I else hare a rerr Use list of RANCHES al all prleea. J. W. BROWNING," OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE.^