Los Angeles Herald, Volume 25, Number 55, 7 May 1886 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. H. H. ■ 10 HEALTHFUL, HAPPY '. HOMES! A oheuoa ii now offered to those desiring a traot of ihe choioeet land iv Southern ; California. The PHILLIPS Tract la being told ia lota of ten or more aorei at prices ranging from S6B TO 8100 PER ACRE. With water rights and a share of stock with each acre. The aoil is of a very superior queliiy; rich, sandy loam, eaaily cultivated and tetania the moisture to a wonderful degree, not requiring water for vineyards. Thia is the home of the orange and lemon. Aa fine trnit aa la prodnoed iv the State ia raiaed in the UPPER SAN GABRIEL VALLEY. Equal In every respect to the Riveraide orange. Also adapted to all kind, of deciduons fruits and viuea; and atrawberriea and raaberriea cm be raiaed the year round) also potatoes, tomatoes, peaa and vege'ablee of like oharacter. The climate ia aa tine aa there ia on this ooast, exceedingly healthful, free from fogs and but aeldom frost, being protected by the Sierra Madra range of mountame on the mirth, gently eloping south and weat Thia moat beautiful traot of land ia looated live mllee from Poonte Station, on tbe Southern Pao fie Railroad, and eipht milea weat of Pomona, on the extension of the beautiful San Gabriel Valley. This land must be seen to be appreciated. It haa aettled up vsry rapidly during the past year, and while it possesses all the advantages that any portions of the valley doea aa regards soil, climate, etc., this land ia being Sold at Almost One-Half What la being asked in other aartion. in the aame valley. The exlenalon of the Los Angelea and San Gabriel Valley Railroad will run oloae to this tract and tha town of Covina, whioh will give it additional advantages. C O ~XT X XT A. I This town ia located on the tract. Cost tins a number of good houses, stores newspaper, livery, carpenter and btaokain.ih shops, good hall, churches and a fine school. The lota in the town are 60x175, and to those desiring to improve arc Being Sold at from $50 to $100 Each. To actual aettlera Inducements are being offered as regarda payments, making it easy fur one with moderate means to obtain a desirable home at a very reasonable outlay. Persona desiring to see the lots or land oan go oot any day from Pnente Station, there being a regular DAILY MAIL TO COVINA. The traot haa broad avenues and streets through the land aud town. The land is not only wonderfully rich aad productive, bnt LEVEL and CLEAN} Tor additional information, mapa, prices, etc., please call on or address l_ W. DENNIS, 242 Main Street, l.os Angelea, Cal. (Baker Blook.) o. c cook, 56 Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. J. a. PHILLIPS, apr9Pri-Sat-Sau9moi Covina, California.

TO THEPUBLIC. Tbe following Restaurants, Laundries end oteta do not employ Chlneee: HIM It H t ■> I D. P. RICHARDS, No. 421 Sooth Spring CONGDON B, No. Ml Sooth Spring atreet. HOKSE-iHOE, Dawaou A Moore. No. 227 South Hprfng street. TIVOLI, lot, South Spring street. BPKINU STREET MARKET, C. MaretlCh A Co., No. 40 South Spring street. PALACE, No. 16H Header Block, South NADBac' Ntf'llS First street, Nadeau Blorl: UNION, ike Oreenbaum, No. 4 South Spring CAMPUS Italian Restanraut, No. 806 North Main street CALIFORNIA COFFEE HOUBE.OnsScbade, No. »9 North Main street. ORIUINALMsIn Street Coffee Parlors, A. Feldschatt AA. 11. Hagar, proprietors, Mo. North Main street. NEWMARKET, No 6 South Main street. A I I,AN l it;, 26 South Main slreet. The MODEL, No. 17 Commercial atre»t, near Los Augeles, cnarlcs vouugworth. HOLI.KNBECK BLOCK Dlulug Parlors, 124 Second street; N. II Paakes A Bon. L,A Via OKIES. DEPOT WHITE LAUNDRY CO, 4» Basil street, in rear ol Blsson, Crocker A Co. RAILROAD Will I E LAUNDRY, 768 San Feruaudo atreet, near new depot. FRENCH, on Loa Angeles, near Wilmington EXCEI.sioR, Seventh street. CHICAOO, Main, near Third street. FRENCH LAUNDRY. No. 6 South Fort St near First. FRENCH, Han Pedro street. WHITE LABOR, Los Angeles, near First. FRENCH LAUNDRY, on Main, near Third. lloTt- i.e. SOUTHERN HOTEL, opposite depot PICO HOI BE. Main street, near Plana. STEVENBON HOUSE, corner First and Loa Angelas street. Other Arms aud places of bnsineaa will be added aa tbe facts cau be ascertained. Address P. O. Boa 720. By order of the Committee. mermf TBADES COUNCIL. Having Secured the Bole Agency Hill, ATonOale & Co. FOR LOS ANOBLBS, XX. Olarv. 4<jw North Main St., Respectfully oalla .haattention of hia friends and patrona to bis large atoek of Whiskies, Etc., From the above oelebrated distillery at Oovlngton, Ky. He la also prepared to furntab BLUE GRASS, BUFFALO, HENRY CLAY, AVONDALE OTHER FAMOUS lENTDCIY BRANDS IN ANY QUANTITY. Aiao to take oflera for direct shipment from the distillery. mh« 8m A FIRBT-ULASS GILT-EDGE INVESTMENT X-OR X*XV"XIw That wIU par more than one per cent, a month ihe Drat year; MM Hie growth of the youna vinea and ireea wilt add thona anda ol dollara a year In value to the place. 200 Acres of Vineyard and FnllTren, Now all In beating, one-fourth of a mil* from the 8. P. H X, Depot, Han Gabriel, Oal. There are about JA.ujo grapevlnea of ehoioe varletiea for wine making, that will yield about fire younda to the vine thia year, or WOtona; eeveu and a half pounds neit year, and teu poiinrjit tbe rieit year, aa tbe villa* get older. Aiao an orchard of old, bearing Orange and Lemon treea, now loadtid with fruit, with Rome 2,000 cholm. Aprloot, Bartlett Feara. Peach, French | Prune, Cherry, l'lum anil Apple treea. Hull ' rich aaudy loam. Llea beautiful. Mnat be aeen to be appreciated. Jolna U J. Boae'a large vineyard aud winery. Oo and ace, or write, fe !mn t?»fcria.l!^l» NKRVF-IJFE AND VIOOR reetored In men and women by using Gilmore'a Aro ) matlc Wine. For aale ny H. D. Godfrey, i Nadeau Block, j For lame »aek, aide or chWt, ace ttilol.' pore** Haeter. Price M eeitiaw

REAL ESTATE AGENTS. f ED. X ADAMS. Frani E. Adams. Fkahk Adamb. ADAMS & SONS. Heal Estate Vssnrance anil Metier Broken . Office, Y6 No Sprint St. 1 (Room 11, upatalra. neit te Hiaald office.) ( Inlproved aud unimproved city Aod coun- I try property, orange orchard!, vineyards and ranchod In the Best local it lea In South- 1 em California. 8 nintnar Property * Specialty. f Realdenta of the connty 17 year*. Agency "Connecticut Fire Insurance Co. of Hart j, ford. ' Correspondence .solicited. LOB ANtiKLKS. (lebWtf) CALIFORNIA ( QUO B. QRIFFIH C. W. BCHROEDER. , GRIFFIN & SCHROEDER, , Real Estate jiiUoan Men. 1 UEO B. QRIFFIN, Attorney >t Law, No- J tary Public, Baarcher ol Reoorda aud Con* j "j-JpL", w i B i FIRST Hi REP I, Bernard , Block, LosA gelea. Cal. aoJO-ti OHAB. CHARNOCK, REAL ESTATE DEALER I Haa a large Hat of Improved and unimproved city aad eoanlry property. Aiao, 1 ageut for the Temecula vallerllolonvlanda r at Hulelta. I Colony landi a specialty. Call or addreaa him at NO. I» COURT STREET, oppoalte J CnurtHoiise.lxisAngelee.es atltf t HoUOT & ODBHMAM. , Brokrrs in Real Estate, i 23 North Ppring Btre«)t. a Barg.lna In city and Country Real Eetate. ' aaatfttf LAHIMvn, i Mora Wicxe, gBaiai.lT C. Wabo. WIOKS & WARD, 1 t II lIKN Kin - tT.I t W, Rooms He and 87, Temple Blook, Los Angelea, California. maris OHOKOhi J. DBNIS, Attoner it Law ul Notarr Pnallc. B.orne T ssd IO Dueommun Block, . Oor. of Main and Commercial Sts., ' LOB ANQELEB, CAL. m«l O. P. HATCH. jTbrOUBSEAU. 1 Broussean A Hatch, , Attorney a ai d Oounsellora Ht Law. Noa. 81, SS and 66 Baker Blook, LOS ANOBLBB, - - - - CALIFORNIA. myl I ARCIIITKGT.-I. a r. arson. ocTAVius MoaeAM I E /SOU & MORO.A tt, A RCHITECTB, BOOMS I, 1 AN U S, Mo. W. A » tilth Spring 81. L< .. gelc-.Cel. 008 tl ARCHITECT AMD BANITART Eh'OIMKKBI 74 North Mala Street.' (Rooms I aad 6.) * a KDUCATION A L. i,o! Aiiiln Comnttorr o( Untie. No. 408 B MAIN STREET, MEAB FIFTH, AF tesTiTUTioe navorao TO MUSIC IN ALL ITB BRANCHES. — ALSO, The Modern Languages, Art and Elocution. MT-FIRBT CLASS TEACHERS VALENTINE, aepS tf Look Box 660. BIQNOR A. FARINI'S 811 Mil *I, STI DIO, ROOM 6*l, N ADBAU BLOOK. SPECIALTY: Operatic and Concert Stage a Inn Oratorio and church Reception Houra, Irom a to 4 r. at. i nova tl Bast Loa Angelea Institute, < Far TOBDg Lidlei ant Cltldrei. * atagr-For circulars and Partlenlara apply to MADAME C. DBLBVAL, oorner ol lirifßu , aveaoe anl ststkrta atreet. r. o. Box ate. 1 saaße-lf