Los Angeles Herald, Volume 26, Number 113, 12 February 1887 — Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

FELIPE : LUGO : TRACT. 1500 Acres! The Best Land in the County. NOW ON SALE In 10 or 20-acre Lots at $85 to $125 Per Acre, The Rancho Potrero De Felipe Lugo, The property of E. J. BALDWIN and RICHARD GARVEY. Messrs. E. J. Baldwin and Richard Garvey have put the Felipe Lugo Rancho on the market in subdivisions of 10 and 20 acres each. This is one of the celebrated ranchos of Los Angeles county. It lies along the west bank of the San Gabriel River, and the Southern Pacific Railway runs along its northern edge. The land is well known to all as THE RICHEST IN THE WORLD! It is what is known as Damp Land, and will produce a crop in our years of least rainfall. The soil is most admirably suited for the growing of Corn, Potatoes, Cabbages and other vegetables. It It is also very well adapted to deciduous fruit and vine culture of all sorts. Pears, Apples, Peaches, All the berries and small iruits flourish here with unusual luxuriance. Nuts and Figs grow in such so Ito perfection. English Walnuts are among the most profitable crops in this country. Good WATER is obtainable at not a too great depth from the surface. At the price asked, and the soil considered, this is the best investment offered in this county to-day. LESTER F. SCOTT, Agent, No. 263 North Main Street, Los Angeles, California. Jal7—SunATtiu-U

JMSON'S Watering Place and Health Resort on the Mountain Side 1000 Feet Above the Level of the Valley. TWO AND A HALF HOURS RIDE FROM SAN FRANCISCO! NEW CLUB HOUSE! ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS! Bowling Alley; Skating Rink; Hot and Cold Soda Water Baths; Superb View of Surrounding Country. HEADQUARTERS FOR JACKSON'S NAPA SODA WATER 110 First St., Nadeau Blk, Los Angeles. Families Supplied at Residonce. GABDE MAHONY, Agent.

Sc rvoiin Debility, Seminal Weaknee*, Exhauated Vitality, l.oal Manhood, aud all the terrible efTecta ol aelf-abuae and exceaaea In maturer ycara, auch aa nocturnal emissions, loatol memory, dlmneaa of vision, aversion to aocfety, the vital fluid passing unobserved In the urine, aud other ayinptoma that lead to in aauity and death, Young; and Middleoared Men Buttering from the above, should couault ua at once, t are Uunranteed In all Cases. Coaaulta> lion tree. Chemical aualyala, Including thorough mlcroacoplc examination of the urine, $5. An honeat opinion given In all eaaea. We furnish Tne Ureat Enartleh Itemedy, Sir Astley Coopcr'e Vital Reetoratlve at ta a bottle or fonr tlmea the quantity, 110. MMPI.i: BOTTLE FREE to any one atating ajrmptoma, aex and age. Addreaa ENUIJaM MEDICAL DIR. PENNAKV, No. 11 Kearny Street, ■aaa Francisco, Cal. da