Los Angeles Herald, Volume 29, Number 66, 7 December 1887 — Pomona Letter. [ARTICLE]

Pomona Letter.

Ferrous Herald: Amongst the many other enterprises in ' this booming little town, we are pleased to mention ' the completion of the Catholic Church, and as a little help is needed to pay off the expenses incurred. Tho Rev. Father Fisher, seconded hy his congregation, has undertaken to give a fair on December loth, 16th aud 17th, which promises to be quite an attraction. Among the many other items, we notice a laughable farce entitled, 'The Two Puddifoots," an excellent amateur cast; grand concert, and some sit per b prizes; an opera cloak for the most popular young lady, also a gold headed cane for Pomona's most popular real estate agent, and others. Mrs. F. C. Balfour is the energetic piesident, a-sistod by Mrs. O'Connor, vice-president, Mrs. O'Brien, secretary. Mrs. Cowles and others. General manager, [. W. Balfour, stage manager, San Diego's well-known amateur,.!. D. Beasley. December sth, 1887. F. ('.