Los Angeles Herald, Volume 38, Number 107, 27 July 1892 — IN THE HOUSE. [ARTICLE]


Opposition to the World's Fair Appropriation Persisted In. Washington, July 26.—The house this morning resumed consideration of the general deficiency bill, the pending question being Hayes' motion to reconsider the vote by which the house refused to table Holman'h motion against payment to the widows, etc., of deceased members' salary. The house refused, 89 to 109, to reconsider the vote, whereupon Weadock, of Michigan, moved a recess until 9 o'clock tomorrow, which was supplemented by one from Whiting, fixing the hour at 9:30. Both were voted down, and Holman'e motion was agreed to. A bill to enable the people of Utah to arrange for participation in the world's fair passed. Holman presented a disagreeing report on the sundry civil bill, and demanded the previous question. After a lengthy debate the report, as far as it recommended agreement, was adopted. Holman tried to make a proposition limiting the debate, but the Republicans cried : "Vote now." He didn't desire a vote, however, and gave notice that tomorrow he would demand the previous question. Bankhead of Alabama offered an amendment reducing from $5,000,000 to $5 the appropriation for the world's fair. Outhwaite opposed the appropriation. Then came the conference report on the general deficiency bill, which was adopted. Tne sundry civil bill waß resumed, and Taylor of Illinois and Boatner of Louisiana favored the world's fair appropriation. Adjourned.