Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXVII, Number 307, 4 August 1900 — Good Dajr At Windsor [ARTICLE]

Good Dajr At Windsor

Detroit, Auk. 3.—The racing at Windsor today was greatly Improved. Results: One mile—lnsurrection won, Statlra second, A 1 Casky third: time, 1:42. Six furlongs—Benckhart won, Jim Nap second, Miss Aubrey third; time, 1:14. Mile and an eighth—Kins Elkwood won, Tony Honlg second, Bentley B. third; time, 1:56*4Seven furlongs—Fair Deceiver won, Expelled second. Greetings third; time, 1:28%. Mile and a sixteenth—Prince Zeno won, John Gammage second, Megga third: time, 1:49. Seven furlongs—Chappaqua won, Rideau second, Foneda third; time, 1:27H