Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXVII, Number 308, 5 August 1900 — The Coming Theatrical Season [ARTICLE]

The Coming Theatrical Season

A very significant circumstance In connection with the usual speculation indulged in on Broadway in reference to the coming theatrical season, is the almost entire absence of allusion to the 1 fact that this is "presidential year." : Four years ago managers figured on ! this event as quite a factor; this year it seems to have little or no influence ion their plans. Managers who held | back their attractions four years ago until after the election are sending them out early this year. Klaw & Erlanger launch two of their strongest companies in September and October, Joseph Brooks sends out two new and untried stars in September, and Frank I McKee presents Mary Mannering as a star October 1, and Peter F. Dailey and the Agoust family in September. Theatrical managers are very weatherwise gentlemen, and do not figure superficially on events that are likely to affect their business, the most susceptible of all to extraneous influences. The fact that they seem to have thrown this presidential year out of their calculations Is a point worthy of the consideration of the politicians.