Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXX, Number 344, 12 September 1903 — The s*ucy Soubrette. [ARTICLE]

The s*ucy Soubrette.

■Im cometh h*ri from Laondon town WW Pull boots ul ■nglL*h (own. H«r yellow hair qulU paatly done, And bun, Mw 4omw Mr Ike r«ir cash Aad ata»s her wp (or driak aad haab •he'® km for eaia u< sot tor fun. At mm Mi NH the tettle'a worn. Tke loner. ■he Mhos the low* ulDlk* «mm, The erttfee all her eoHee yralm. ■he"e tan ef Vk yet mwmvli M **MkjnWes w» *# * ♦*•«, •mix, M. cixmmn.