Los Angeles Herald, Volume 32, Number 138, 16 February 1905 — MINISTERS EXCHANGE PULPITS [CHAPTER]


Dr. Walton and Dr. Biederwolf Ad-

dress Large Audiences

Dr. Biederwolf and Dr. Walton exchanged places last night, the former speaking in the Advance Buggy company's building and Dr. Walton in the University M. E. church.

There was a large attendance of students and several conversions were recorded. Dr. Walton said last night that there is undoubtedly a wonderful spirit of revival In this district, and complimented the work of Dr. Biederwolf very highly.

He took for his text: "He that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; he that soweth of the spirit shall reap life everlasting."

The speaker dwelt at some length on the consequences of a life of selfindulgence ana the effects that sin will produce. On the other hand he pointed out the beauties of the life that is filled with the spirit of God.