Los Angeles Herald, Volume 33, Number 262, 19 June 1906 — WILL MAKE BID FOR CONVENTION [ARTICLE]




Local Democrat* Believe Little or No Difficulty Will Be Experienced In Landing Meeting for Lot Angeles

Members of the special committee recently appointed by Chairman Young of the Democratic county committee to endeavor to secure the Democratic stale convention for Lob Angeles will stnrt foe San Francisco this afternoon with a view to bringing pressure to bear to this end on the state committee, which will meet In that city tomorrow. The committee Is composed of neorge. Cnke, Mnrttn Retknuskl, Martin Marsh, Joseph Simons and RJ. Adcock. Two or three other cities ore contesting for the state convention honor, but the local committee feels confident of lnndlng tho prize. It 18 expected that the convention will be called for the lntter part of August. The local committee hns been trying for several days to Induce the railroads to grant a low rate, but Chairman Cake said yesterday thnt the best It had been ablo to obtain so" far had been one fare for the round trip. While In San Francisco, however, the members of the committee will Interview some of the general officials of tho roads with a view to obtaining further concessions.

Present Indications nre that a meetIng of the Democratic county committee will not be called until the latter part of the month. Chairman Younsr says there were several vacancies on the committee, and that until the membership can be rounded out he doe* not care to call a meeting. There are about forty new members to be named, due partly to the creation of new precincts and partly to resignations.