Pacific Rural Press, Volume 32, Number 19, 6 November 1886 — Page 397 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

DEL MONTE VINEYARD NURSERY, FKKSNO, OAL. For Sale-White Adriatic Fipr Cuttings of in', own Importation Qmpe Hoots and Cutting! of Carlgnui, tutaro Orenacnei Telnturler, TrouMeau, Carbenet Sauvi^non, Slalbee and Muscat Frontignon, itc. M. DENICKE. PEAR SEEDLINGS. We offer a larjre stork of Pear Secllin^s of ow own jrrowlng; also Root Grafts of Apple, Pear, Plum, etc. Price List free. Addrees PHCENIX & hMERSON. Nurserymen, Bloomington, 111.

THE SCIENTIFIC MILL. <w«m^ — y FOR GRINDING BARLEY, EAR or SHELLED CORN, mlr^Wl fl^^^^^H W Jam V«^*4^ p j Mm ■ . i "\ ' ItL,; W^ r%if No. 4 MILL SET UP. No. 4 MILL TAKEN APART. No. 0 JUNIOR MILL. FOR stjoh: WORK IT HAS IsTO EQUAL! Tlio Grindins Flatos «,ro a, Special Motnl, Hard «*» Stool, Guarnntood to Griiul 0000 to 0000 3Bii.aila.olei before Woarins Out. TIIK BEARINGS are in one casting, consequently are always in line and cannot get out of true. NO OTHER COB MILL has any such provision. In fact the "Scientific" is superior to other mills of this Til X JOURNALS are in half boxes babbitted with the best metal and can be adjusted to take up all wear. class. Til X SHAFT is of the finest cold rolled steel of ample size and perfectly true. THE SIMPLEST. Can be taken apart and put together in a short time without tho aid of a mechanic. *HE FLY-WHEEL AND PULLEY are turned, and, with the »»""*"&"■*••»» JglL 0" .ft** a"d THE STRONGEST. AH parts are heavy and well braced and especially adapted to the work. THK VIHK ITOB keeps moving constantly when grinding ear corn, so that it cannot clojf in the hopper. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING. Having but one shaft, running faring* which are always In line, with THK Mgri KNTIKIC" IS THE ONLY MILL MADE HAVING SUCH PROVISION. . Fly-Wheel, Pulley and Plates accurately balanced, ft follows it miiHt run with l«ant poHxlbln friction. THE HIGH DISCHARGE is most convenient for delivering the feed, and as it draws a current of air THE MOST DURABLE. Can be run in either direction by simply changing tin; spout and crossing tho belt. through it prevents heating, as Is frequently the cue with Iron Mills. This gives double wearing capacity to the plates as they sharpen tli«uiH«lv«it each time they are re--111 "b?^!"!^^ BUbBta"Ce aCCidentay THEBEST MILL ON EARTH, of the best material throughout, and every part ma,.., espcciaHy to, it. TITF MOST Pit \CTIC \L THING OF THE KIND EVER INVENTED. place. THK FEEDER provides a successful means of regulating the feed when grinding small grain and cotton seed. EACH MILL GUARANTEED TO DO ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT. SEND I*O3Fl DESOHIPTIVB CIROTTIj^IXI A3NT:D PHIOE-IjIST. G. G. WICKSON & CO., General Agents, 38 California Street and 106 Davis Street, - SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.