Pacific Rural Press, Volume 89, Number 18, 1 May 1915 — Page 534 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PELANDALE HERD of Reg. Holsteins. Young bulls for sale. J. A. Pelanda, Salida, Cal. SUNNYSIDE HERD—Registered Holstein cattle. B. 7. Guerin, R. 3, Boi 58, Visalla, Cal. REGISTERED HOLSTElNS—Auctioneer and Breeder. T. J. GHkerson, Stratford, Cal. « REGISTERED JERSEYS—Toons bull* and boll calves. T. B. Purrlne, Petaluma. HOLSTElNS—Registered exclusively Tuberculin tested. Llnweod Farm. Santa Crui. Cal. REGISTERED JERSEYS—Young males for sale. 0. J. Ames. Oakdale, Cal. BREEDERS OF REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE— MeAllster * Son. Chlno. CaL BREEDER of Registered Holstein Cattle. Ernest Otto McClure, B. 2, Modesto, Cal. N. H LOCKE CO.. Loekeftrd, Cal.—Choice young Jersey bulls for sale. COPA DE ORO FARM—Pure-bred Holstein cattle. Los Banos, Cal. PACKWOOD FARM HERD for Holsteins. TO. I*. Mitchell, Vlsalla, CaL REGISTERED JERSEYS—J. A. Ooodall. Tnrlocfc, CaL HORSES AND MULES. PURE-BRED Registered Percheront—A few choice young stallions two years old; also two, three and four' year-old (lilies, majority In foal, for talc Log Altos Btock Farm, Los Altos. CaL BEEF CATTLE. HOPLAND STOCK FARM—Registered Bbort-btros. Prices on application. Hopland, CaL SIMON-NEWMAN CO., Breeders of registered Herofords. Newman, Cal. TWENTY Shorthorn Bulls fn» Nebraska. Q. A. Murphy, Perkins, CaL SWINE. BILLIKEN HERD of .purebred, registered 0. I. C. Swine. Sows are farrowing now; pigs will soon be ready to ship. Am booking orders for singles, pairs and trios. First class in every respect. Three herd hoars used. New blood lines. All stock cholera immune. Write for my new circular. C. B. Cunningham, Mills, Sacramento county, California. HOGS—Forty head of Big Type Poland-China boars of any age. Sired by lowa Wonder, who Is a son of A. Wonder, the greatest bog IMng or dead. No females to sell at present. On account of the large number on band will make special prices. Geo. A. Smith, Corcoran, Cal. RFGISTFRFD POLAND CHINAS—Large type. Dams sired by 1000 lb. Grand Champion Idaho. Young Sows, open, or bred to a son of Ist prize boar Wisconsin 1914. Young l>oars and son pigs for sale. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. J. Robinson, B. 4, Box 125. Modesto, Cal. BERKSHIRES —Bred for size and bone and quality. TTe-d boar won gold medal at Nevada State Fair, 1913. Write for nedigrees and price. J. L. dish. Laws, Inyo county, CaL