Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 16, Number 2339, 25 September 1858 — BY THE STATE TELEGRAPH LINE. [ARTICLE]


San Francisco News -Accidental Killluff of* -Natchez" the Pistol ManStephen Looner Sentenced- more Clippers Arrived— Markets.

San Francisco, Sept. "J4.

About four o'clock this afternoon, John Traver.«, owner of coaches, went into the Shooting Gallery of A. J. Taylor, alia* "Natchez,' 1 to examine a pidtol ; Taj lor went behind the counter, took a loaded improved Colt's revolver, with hair trigger, from the case, cnckt/il and Lauded it to Traverse, and then taking an empty one himself, while ex-Justice Chamberlain picked up a Derringer. A conversation ensued on the merits of the weapon? ; Traverse commenced examining the spring, and touching the trigger by accident, the pistol went oft', and Taylor fell back against the shelving with a ball in the brain. He breathed about five minutes. The ball entered through the upper lip, nearly under the no3e, passed upwards and lodged in the back of the head. Travers was taken into custody. Taylor was reared in Louisiana. He is said to have no relatives at the present time. The name of "Natchez" has become well known throughout the State, from his connection with nearly every duel of importance that has taken place about the city for years, both parties always agreeing to u-e hid pistols, and getting him to load them. Though an upholder of the code, he was uot of v belligerent disposition, but quite the reverse, and of such honesty that many of his neighbors for years deposited nioi.ey in his safe. Various packages are there at present with the owners names marked on them. A night or two ago, while talking of the Johnston and Ferguson affair, he said he would iiecer load another pixtol for a duel. His body is laid out in the house of the Monumental Engine Company. I novr learn there were no caps on the pistol. Travers wa.<cocking it, when the hammer slipped and struck fire.

Stephen Looney was Hentenced to the State Prison for two years, for foiging a name ou a certificate of deposit.

John Conroy, the notorious, was fined $50 for assault and battery.

Wm. Diivi?, alias "Browney," pickpocket, was sentenced to the chain-gang for ninety days,

as a vagrant.

Four clippers, one ship and two barks, were outside the Heads at 9 p. m.

Flour, #y 50 to $10 60. Grain- market dull ; good wheat, *3 to $3 15— smutty, $276; barley, $1 OS ; potatoes, 75c. to*l 00; ten — black, 471 c; coffee— Rio, 15c; oats, lsc.; butter, by recent arrivals, 4>> to 45c.


Dead Body Picked up in Vallejo. Vali.kjo, Sept. 24. The body of a man was picked up io the Straits to-day. Name unknown. The verdict of the Coroner's jury was that he came to his death by drowning. The letters D. B. were marked on the right arm, in India ink. Age, about forty years. It was supposed that he had been laboring at Pacitic Works, Benieia.