Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 38, Number 5781, 7 October 1869 — BY THE CABLES [ARTICLE]


Paris, October 6th.

Prince Charles of Roumania, has arrived. He was received by the Emperor to-day at the Tnlleriea. The Deputies [of the Opposition?] will proceed tothe hall of the Corps of Legislation on the 2Gth, considering tbat the legal day for the assembling of the Chamber. Tbe ship building yards of Bordeaux were destroyed by flre. Official dispatches from Madrid charge that Senor Paul, a member ofthe Cortes, is in command of one of the Republican ban Is in the south. Communication between Madi id and Barcelona is intenupted. The insurgents evacuated the town of Reuss on tbe approach of troops. Salvacha bas been captured. Official reports assert that the insurrectionary movement is declining. No accounts of late occurrences have been received from the Republicans. Jules Favre, one of the Deputies to the Corps Legis*.if, elected recently from Paris, has called a meeting ol members ot tbe Opposition to take proper action in retard to the delay in opening the session of the Assembly. Lokdon, October 6th. The person thought to be Kelly or Deary, who was brought to King's College Hospital, badly injured, a few days ago, died yesterday. A great many meetings have been announced, in different cities of Ireland, of those favorable to amnesty for the Fenian prisoners. It is thought the Government at Madrid conceals the real state of affairs in tbe provinces as to what has transpired, and that the insurgent* evacuated lletrs^ to avoid a premature engagement with the troops. Some Republican deputies have left .Madrid to raise the northern provinces, and arrangements are to be made lor a simultaneous rising in Fruil and Iluesca. The Republicans propose to raise provinces, and then attempt to maintain themselves against such hands as have appeared. A riot is feared at Vallald. Deputy Paul, is is said, was threatened with death if be dhl not join the Insurgents. If the army remains faithful, things need not be considered desperate. A missionary has arrived from Zanzibar, bearing the welcome intelligence that Kirk had receive 1 a letter Irom Dr. Livingstone, dated February last. The D.ictoi was then on Lake Ai.juiqua, in good health, but short of provisions. George Young, Solicitor General, has been appointed Lord Advocate in place of Right Honorable James Moncreiffe. The Pall Mali Gazette, in its financial article, says the demand for merctntile accommodations and renewals in Manchester is greater at the present than for the past twenty years. The News published a letter from Goldwin Smith, favoring tbe independence of Canada, but opposing its annexation to the United States. _,-■ . The international sculling match, which was to be rowed to-morrow on the Thames by Walter Brown and Saddler, is off. Brown is suffering from a tumor, and being unable to row, pays his forfeit. B_m is, October 6th. King William opened the Diet to-day by a speech from tbe throne. He said the unavoidable deficit in the finances rendered the augmentation of taxes necessary, and he announced that reforms would be Introduced placing the eastern provinces on a basis of selfgovernment, and that new laws In regard to public education would be submitted. He alluded to the success of bis efforts to preserve the peace and friendly relations with foreign powers, and hoped he should have similar success in future lor the development of Intcrcouseand forthe maintenance ol the independence of Germany. CossTAi-rrsoPLE, October 6.h.*a The Great Powers have withdrawn from interference In the affairs ol E..»pt, and leave the Sultan and Viceroy to settle their dispute themselves.

Viehna, October Cth. A large meeting was held to-day against clerical interference in questions affecting the workingrnen of Austria. It was the embodiment of the Senate and voted by acclamation.