Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 3, Number 108, 30 June 1877 — SAN FRANCISCO MARKET REVIEW. [ARTICLE]


■ Sracr- Prices for local products are as follows: Bbls, OlXtc; hf Jibl-, 70c; kegs, 75c; Hawaiian Molasses, 20 @— c 9 Ballon. Tea — More consignments of new crop Japan were received by the steamer on tbe 21st ; jobbing at 85® 40c for good medium grades. Tobacco— Connecticut Leaf is jobbing at 10c to 25c; Vi— inis, 60®70r; extra choice do, 55©S0c; Navy, 50 @65c; Smoking, 35c@$l *£ *>. WniSKT— Low pi oil, *1 75©2 50; high proof, }1 30 ©1 50 *{* gallon. Wise— California descriptions in bottles meet with fair inquiry as Rows : Angelica, $4 tufff.b 50; Claret, 13 25a*l 50; Port, $5©10; Sherry, $5© > 50; White, f 2 f>o@rs 50 ?* doik Yeast Powders— are unchanged, but greater attention is being paid to securing the pure article in lull weight cans.

larj-oaT— »rc»Tn« i-acb-.m--.iito dailt bfcohd-db ob ] .-is Fbabcisco. June 28, 187". There Las not been II a! I-eprovtm-nt in business which a week ago we believed weald even this eatly be manifest. ports are very light, and there is a rery singular silence relative to the sending abroad of floor or grain. '.Ye learn, indeed, ihat from the upper rraacnto shipments to this place will be made in two weeks, but even tbat iufo.-mation is lacking in nitenes*. This morning's Cuinmercial Herald

There is evidently a want cf confidence somewhere, or a Jack of capital amor. g 'aimers and middlemen — cot wm-v enough to buy the tarmciV grain inlaod, brirg II ta tide water, and hold tbe propeity Intact long enough to get it en board ship, tbe bills of lading aeccred, and shipplcc documents in Land upon wbicb predicate bids of lading aid it.vciccs preparatory to drawing sterling Lllls for the banks te casb. Heretofore this Los'ne-s has bten nta natted by .i muster mind, but who at present is disabled from swinging the large C_ h cap! al berc'.otor- placed witbin bis reach. Our exjioit comrui-fion menbanu say the competition of tbe p*.-t has been to Beat as to cut down commissions so lowastotecd-rthe execution or English : arebaaleg oid. rs unprofitable, and hence they prefer r,ot to <io boi— t— al arm's length fcr a bare commission. Tbes-e are a few of the re a-o'tis given for the present lethargr In the export trade in breads'uff?. Yet we are di* posed to think tiat by tbe middle of July a fair de grc-jcf animation will be diicernible. Dhguise it as we may. we have a large surplus of grain 'lo send off, and profitable employment will be found during the year for a large Oct tf ship- hence with full cargoes of California and Oregon nroduce.

Fbei GHT3— Tonnage is abundant, but charterers are holding off. and rates are nominal.

Tounage Increases in this port, but BO one is under any ru-h to make engagements. Freight Is off*— d for Salmon to Liverpool at £2, but this Is in a case where the ship I- i . . - v 'to ge*. off. Offers were out to charter i bottom, sp-,t, direct part, at £i 2i 6d and £2 5s to Cork, United Kingdom, but they met witb a refusal.

Harve tin j is tow general, end a good yield Is expected in thos; section* f.-.'-ra which we have had rcasca Tor Oir hope*. TUe lafm.ri tf.rrt inclined to h.3* ", .t:>d stl'l prices decline, wilh hut oue exception of a rise of 2d In spit Wheat.

The following are tbe latest telegraphic quotations: Saw Yobk, Jo ve 27th.— Wheat, #2@2 IS; Hides, dry, Sl®2l*^e; Oil, Soerra, «1 16©1 20 ; WhaK 65 <CCOO~; Wool— ipr'ntr, fine 80®30o, tarry 12©13 c, palled 2Z<_l3s:, fall clip l.'4J-:0~, burry tall dip 11 @90c LirmirooL. .Tune 27ih.- Wheat, 12s©12s 2d; club, Uatt(&H-10a. DOMESTIC PEODCCE.

Puma— Fine? May lst tbe pic* bas been rjducei $2 50 "il bid. Even at tliis icduction the (Sport demar i- light anj local corrumption b restricted. We quote **urexflae at 55^3 50; Extra. *(i 23@3 60 for ibippi-jg lots in gold; and $1&1 50 far j iiWnt: lots, payanle iv silver. Wheat— .-hipping grades ?2 15©2 20; milling, "2 20 to $2 20. Sal-.s embrice G.ODO ties shipoiog, •*•' 11% ; 14,000 iks cliolce new milling, to be d-.dvered at Vallejo, Jj-.' 23; 1,100 sks Oregon tuillir.g(t.ld crop), tf2 iO, 2.0011 eks Silt Uuks (old crop), by auction. *2 *;SV 5J

Balllt— Gdd rates for Iced, il 5;(7?,1 60; sks b-iv brcwlog, |1 05; qno table at $1 C 3 to il 70 $)

Oats— Dem &nd is rtHocetlicr of a jobbing ch -racier. Fetd kiiids are quotable at fWll *23; choice heavy for local tnltltn--, 5* 20fe-> 25 P 100 lbs. llor-s— Call orcli arc dull aud uoxiaal at 10* to 20*

Potato—— Mai ket al-nndantly suppled with Eurh Rose ami otber ue-f kin Is a*. t»k& i I ID 3* 18-. VtocT-BLES— Aspaiag..-, $I^l 25 £■ box ; Green Peas v.'/tU-..-; {-'ring B« 3 n?, Co: Gailic, l" 4 'o3c; Bhnbarls &_4Q&e t? V> ; Cai.bare. 50c "tf cental ; Green Cm. 16®— a; Cucumbeis, 15^2 jc (9 doz; Tomatoes, :*sc-C??isl 25; Sammer^qua-h, Jl 2.5(7** 1 800 l.ov. Fees— We now quote Bran at $21; fe»d Middlings. J-.-X); Ground Parley, *St)@37 50; Oil Cake Meit, |40 ; May, {14Q23 \i ton; Straw, 75© SOc \i bale.

Si—> -Alfa'fj, 15c; Fbx, 2.'-; c; Caliiornia Canary. lOojilCe; Mustard, 2"tf fi S^.- c *-> O. ItiPE Fecit— The tirsi Bartlett Peirsof the season aro now Le'.og picue.l at Moil's orchard at Grand Island, ard will be seat t - the city on Friday. Gooseberries have .un cut, and a'l other berrie3 are in moderate supi.'y. The-.e Is a larje supply or Cherries, and the df-aatitl Is light. We quote as follows: Blackberries. 20 <&2Jc; I— spberTlea,'6@tnXe V 2); Stra* berries, i:< t) IS. Cnn_ its, $o^7 "y chest; Cherries, BJ-il2*ifc for' back and .*(*z.*oc |l lb for wl. ite; Fig.--, 50^.15:; Aople*,Ss®7sq Pais, 75w(Tr-fl 25; Peach Piums, *1 25 to^l .">',; Apiicots, S;lff*.l 25; Pc'ches. $16?; 1 25^1 box and 18-Cftf 1 "£1 lias.kei; Californis Oran-es, .s2sf>*.-V.; Thlilil Oraogea. *--o<a2s; California Lemons, iso; Lil:is, $■& t? 1,000; Sicily I^erpons are scarce at -t l.i V box; Bananas, fI&S 50 ** hucch ; Pintapjles, ?3 » dozen.

DiIST r»ODrcrs— Fre^li roll Butter is heavy at 25 c to 80c California Cikin, S7*#®3oo; California Cheese, ltQlGc* Eastern C^ee-e, ]C@-"0c, latter figare for extra choice factory made, which is BCarcs in thia market ; Eggs ratv from iyc(s2oc for Oreg<n, Salt Lake, Omaha and fi— -a laid Caliiornia, the la-t named commanding the big: esi piice. PorLrßr— Turkevy, 20i5jiS*c \t ft for live nnd dressed: Broilers, ?."VT>fi; Roosters, j?5(&9 50; Hens, |7@& Pur*-<. $5 50@7; Geese, $7 50C512 $ dozen. Paovjanxa-rCaliiornU Stnr.ked Bacon is jobbing at 12XQ1SXC fcr heavy and medium, snd 13J*CT>il5c for ci-'ra "i^bt ; Eastern Sides, 12**(i$13o; California plain llatns, 12>_<q — c; Eastern Ham*, 13;*£c tnlj'tfc; California Laid. ll,V©l4c; Eastern Lard, 15fj"}lGc for ail ttslea ot package; California Smoked Beet, lie "3 ft; Beef Tongues, $9 *$ doz; Pigs' Feet, $H; Mtss Beef, *<» 56012 lor bids and tCf^Sforbf bbls ; Pork, THSOI9 for Prime, "-20021 for Prime Mess. t— SUj?*2l tor Mess and $:5 50027 50 for Clear and Extra ci„ r. WooL-Sates for the wrek aggregate 803,003 ft< at 1402JC fcr "al* ta cho'ce cicati grades, short aod long •tattle, out-i le figure fur beat northern. MEAT SUBSET. Polioa-in^ are the wholera'.e rate 3 from slaughterers to dealers : Burr— Cio'ec, 7*<siSc; all oth?r craJcs, from 7c di>wn io S"£c. Vual— *pring Cairo-, SolO.*, la'.ler for choice; large Calve?, 507 c.l ft. Mctto.n— Good grades, %@le .1 ft. Lamii — is more plentiful at btftOc "t? ft. Pork — Un.l:es-ed, SXO— tor grain fed, and 7"£c to S\fc for dr^cscd. OSXSUAL MEnCUANDISE. Bags aso Bagging— There is but little d.iine in Wheat Hag*, and the cash rate for .-pot lots of hand sewtd has been dropped to 'Jer Gunnies are Una at l:*H-<3.14a

J'kead-— We o,'"ote: Assorted Crackers, 10®12c; Boston, Butter, Cream, Graham. Santa Claia, Susrar, Oyster and Wa'er Crackers, and Lunch, Milk. Wafer and XX'we Blscaits, each 8c", Soda Crackers, 5%Q,.0)6c; Picnic. 7@Sc; Jenny. Lind Cakes, L-i Grande, Fancy Milk, Ovei bad and Fiuit B.scuils and Lemon Cakes, r.ich 10*; Pearl Bi>ctilis, 9z ; Ginger Cakes, 10c; Seed Cakes. 10c; Ginger Nu's, 12*fc; Excel-ior anl M.dillion I'lmtuUs, each 12,Yc; Nic N.ic Bisculls, 12*4 e ; Oo&jrren Cakes.lSc; Snip Bread, 3„Vc; Pilot Bread, 4(3. 4,^0; Sa'oon Pitoi Bread. 7c t-1 ft.

ItaiCK — English l'.ath,"ioc fiom ship; jobbing at ,">c |) dozen; English Fire. $S2 f>o©:ij for best brands tr-.-in t-archoase ; California bard burnt, pale and red. $o^l2 x- thousiind. <*AND—S— Price* vary frcm 9c to 2Cc, according to brand, weight, quality at-d terms >*( payment. Case Goons— i"»- tern Oysters, Jl 500.2 50 *j* dozen SU'C-ins; Clara-, ?a 50tn:.3: Lobsters, ii 7:>®3; Tarkev and Cl icken, $3 7504 25; Eastern Green Corn, 11130®*— 1 Eastern Gre -n Peas,' s2 50©2 75; Call orniad-, $2 73; CuLfort.ia Tomatoes, ?2 25; Jams and Jellie*, |f; all other California canned goodsare the same as they h»ve been for si-veral ■ c ka.

Cement— Hoffman's Bittern I* hrld at $2 »0.3; Newlurg and Liwrcnceville Eastern,' s3 SO; Portland (tordgn', f-| 12>"'i54 2T> ; Santa Crus Line. -il ZOij. 1 73 *,} bbl. Coal— Mat ket abundantly suDnlifd with aU kinds. "■Vetiuo-c hurd descriptlins at $14©1G SOand s.ft at tO 75®9 50 'tl ton. Coma— Imports of Central America for tb? past week nggre^ate 7,010 bags. Piiine Co*t.i Rica sn-1 Rio ■-■? .--.ill tirm at 20*; Old Government Java, 24>ic Cuiccobt— Caliiornia 1» easy at 4 / \ I '2-G** C'eruian, Dsrcs— Alum, CCsISH'-*: refined B.irax. QXG&SXc; domestic Blue Vitriol, '.'©Vi^Vo: BrhaatOße, 4"^c tor roll ard 3"4*e for Catlfotnla r< Oued; Cream Tartar, 40@15r; Nitric Acid. 12*^© Cc; Tai lark Acid, GJc; Sulptnnic Acid. 2.VOK-. Drt Goons— Brown Shirting. s*if<a7,Vc; Sheeting, Brown Drilling, 9;*<jj»10o; Pr.nts, I"(J4CXc V lard.

Fri it— California Raisins, I l©2 50 for whole Lo-.'-s, -.ilii :ia a("va::ce of 25c for bf bovc- and 59c for quarter boxes; M-laca Layer Bai-in*, ti 75 and |8 tt r whole tx- and $30*3 25 for fractional Iocs; Zinte Currants, **Glov-; '.lun-arian Prunes, in casks, B(2(9c* French Pra nes, ti 5y _ bxs, 11@1(L; Smyrna Pigs, 15©17 c; Citron, —^.210 "fc! B>. LrMEEtt— l'ollowinir are the wholesale" rate 5 : Bed wood, 114 for rough and i2l for surfaced; Bustic. $27 50; Orecon Pine and Sprue?, in a rout-h state. $I.@?lS "0 M (t; Laths, *2; Shingles, $2 25. M»lt Ln-roits — The various brands are quoted at t2Q,I "0 dozen qts, with ibe usual difference f r pint*. Uetals— I'.g lrcn, ISXhZ&V ton; Banea in, -24c to 25c ; Sydney Tin, ISQ.IS'-fc ; Tin Plate.*7 to $7 12)4 for Cole. BE *-"<ftS 37*sf for Charcoal, and $S s'J©ll & box fir I C Charcoal ; Stieet Zinc, 10c to lQtfc ; Yellow Uetal.'S4c; Cast tt eel.l«&— c; Pie Lead, I'xQfio; Lad P.-ne, 0s ; (Ur Lead, 7c: Sheet Lead, 10c y» lt>. B_U-4nTaieet are telling at #3 £5@3 "5; jobblng ai $3 $0®. 4 \1 ke?. t'lL— Ttie feature of the weeV is a decline «f 5c in California L'.n«eed ; now at BO c for raw and .-*>; for boiled; California Castor, *1 15 for Diamond No. 1 and *1 05 for No. 2; Baker's tern C_ tor. $1 20; Devon's Brilliant Petroleum. SOc In wrcw top cans aod 31c in faucet cans; Devoe's notonte, screw top cans, !«9- ; O:coph?ne, Rl - ; Downer's Kerosene .47,-jG~>50::; C.lifornia Luster Petroleum. 25c tooJc in bbls; Mineral, £00 dec. Bre test, 45c; refined Cocoa out, SOc :; CLina Nut, I'X&SOc; California 'A hale. Cue; Po*ar\\ba!e. CSjrfa to Csc; Sperm, $1 Co®l 65; pure winter strained Lad. *1 15 In bbls and $1 *.' i in .lm Jr. o **-} 01irf ' *-^ 5 25; Plagnlol Olive, $5 50 10£«,.. ; , Durc ' d 0« I 0 50©6 75; extra fine kinds, «-*ci'.' ft d i7.ea q_ rut. Pmsts.— Wuitc Lead, 9Vc for Southern and lOVe fcr Atl.nUc. .

../^^-C-Ii: m*.a Blastin-r. *3 23 keg: Ciast. WC tor No. 2 and 15c for No. 1, with the usual discount to the tra .!e. Bict-Mixcd Cbina, s*i<&>Xc; Xo. 1 Chins, C@ _ 5rL Jl J?_ Ta ' ule ' 8 *« P— oa, 0:-. Hawaiian Me, *>545*<c g*t B. Snct^-CjF«i.,24*^a2s***, C ore, 403 15c; Glt-jrer, i-*ir; *uace. ?1 05; N.itiac-, fc7,Vc ; Pepper, 13(**>]4c; Pimento, IjGIO.- VB. ' * w ' Srii-ira— Conslcanients of Chicago Col-gDe have bten jelling at $1 17,¥, which is bel-.w cos', and charges. California Pure, $1 -22*4' for No. 2, and *1 S2y'tor No. 1.

STA-tcn-C-.Uforrl* Wheats, 10c; Barye*'!, and Kingstoni's Eastern, &31 >c 51 lb, with tbe usual discount to the trad*.

bre ia— Since May Bth. gold r»ic- for lots In 1 Ms bave been a? lollons: Powd-red, lltfc ; Crushed, Cute and FioeCiUshcd, Hi; Extra Granulated, 13*-fc; Yellow C, 115£ c: D. 11 *, ; It-fined Yellow. ; lla-nilian C *dcs, S V©llc "8 lb.