Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 11, Number 113, 30 June 1880 — CURRENT ITEMS. [ARTICLE]


To disturb the peace of a policeman is a criminal utteuac. No matter liuw short the 9leevc.i air, I •.•■ gloves most be Ion:; enough to cover the arm.

The first painted oostume seen in r'aria was made for Sarah Bernhardt. It cost feoa S. :i letgermnianu and buttercups are t Infavorite material for dinner decorations in Now York.

.loaijuiu Idiller i» said to bo, very busy vriting a war poem. Mr. Miller waa vory ecently married.

Montreal, whose cab system is the envy of every other American city, is to have the elevated railroad.

Starch is baid to be t \plosive. It causes explosions in the family when the old man finds it has been U ft out of his collars. Au English jirofessor of waltzing ssyg that the best rule is "spring and glide." i'urk advises practice on an orange-poel. Sailors at the masthead frequently indulge in high words, but they are gent rally ro shrouded from observation that nobody recks.

Miss Lulu Fletcher is in England, and has nearly recovered from the effects of the brain fever from which she suffered in Rome last winter.

Miss Harriet Hoimcr in busy completing a work which she wishes to get off her hands before returning to AmerUa to Btay for an indefinite period.

Dartmouth College students are to serve as waiters at Coney Island and ftockawajf this season. Harvard men affect " swell " watcring-placea.

An Knglish physician lias carefully noted the effects of oatmoal on the human system, and he says that it makes people enws, stingy, jealous ami BOUr-tempertd, Two Cincinnati belles defied augury the other day and went to the altar iv white dresses of black silk and black brocade. Thtir swains should have worn white linen suite.

If anybody ever doubtctl that Walt Whitman was a quack, a superior sort of a Joaqnin Miller, so to speak, he has only to read his article on Kmcrson, juf:i published, to become convinced. According to the Rtizur, Alsatian or Lauguedoc lace should be gathered double when used to trim foulards, aud placed down the front edge of the basque »cd around the neck and sleeves. A Vermont couple put oil applying for a divorce ono term of (jonrt so th.U they could profit by their tin wedding. Aud yet they tell us the people of this country are recklessly extravagant aud unthrifty.

Ix>rd Cowper, the new Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, has so painful a shyneu that it amounts to awkwardness. To balance this disqualification for his offiea he ha-i a large fortune and a beautiful wife to preside over his dinner parties.

A man can never sell his honor more than once. After the first Bale he will have no honor in stock.-- [New Orleans Picayune. Hut they oun still raise money on it. "Pawn thtir honor" they can. — [Philadelphia Bulletin. But the broker will not barter a great deal iv thai S'jri of merchandise.