Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 51, Number 93, 9 June 1884 — SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. [ARTICLE]


John Corrigan, of Folsom, was in town Saturday.

Robert Williamson got back yesterday from Penryn.

Mrs. J. L. Fifield, of Gait, is visiting friends in this city.

K. W. Hale and wife, of this city, are visiting Stockton.

Matthew Cooke returned yesterday from a trip to Chico. . .',"-.-'

G. Griffiths, of Penryn, was visiting Sacramento yesterday.

O. S. Pomeroy has returned from Oregon and relocated at Gait.

Creed Haymond came up from San Fraucisco Saturday evening. ......

John H. Jewett. of Marysville. went down to the Bay yesterday. Mrs. G. N. Levy came up from the Bay on the noon train yesterday. William B. Todhiinter returned yesterday from a visit to the Bay. Mi-> Jennie Cole. of Woodland, visited her friends in Gait last week. John McClam and Ella Capman, Folsom, came to the city Saturday. Mrs. Alex. Dunn, of this city, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Boss, at Gait. A. D. Sharon, of the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, was in town Saturday. Miss 1.. (Jove will leave to-day for Rocklin, where she will reside in future. Mrs. E. 11. (iuylord. of Nevada City, has returned from a visit to Salt Lake. Mrs. J. T. Griffitts has gout- to Blue Lake, Lake county, for a mouth's recreation. Mrs. Henry Bitter, of Turlock, is visiting Gait, the guest of Mrs. Franklin Bitter. Wm. Bryon, Rentiers, and Martin Bayles, Elk Grove, we're in the city Saturday. J. M. Short and family, of < rait, left on Monday last for an extended visit to Texas. Mi-- Edith Smith, of Folsom, is spending a few days with friends at Rattlesnake Bar. Hon. William Long, of Nevada City, passed through yesterday, on his way to the Bay. Miss Lena Brooks, of Oakland, is visiting Nevada city, the guest of Jliss Alice Crawford. Wm. Drew, A. Hass. Prank Newry and Sam. Vaughn, Cosumnes, arc at the Eldred House. John Dawson has closed out his business here, intending to remove to his ranch near Colfax. Lieutenant-Governor John Daggett came don from Auburn yesterday, en route for Oakland.

Ira Lowell, Rocklin; D. A*McDougal; Stockton, and T. Carpenter, Cosumnes, are in the city.

Miss Amelia Wetzel, of San Francisco, is visiting Nevada City, the guest of Miss Nettie Brown. Hon. William Barklage, ex-Assemblyman from El Dorado connty, was in the city yesterday.

Mrs. ,1. A. DeGreayer, of San Francisco, is visiting Nevada City, the guest of Mrs. E. Mcrrilicltl.

Senator Cross, of Nevada county, passed through the city yesterday, going to San Francisco.

Waller Wallace, of tin- San Francisco Spirit of the Times, went up to Marysville anil Chico Saturday.

Miss Julia Farrell, of San Francisco, is visiting Miss Mary Lurchers, of this city, lor a few weeks.

Norton Bush came up from Son Francisco Saturday evening, and will remain in the city a few days.

W. _____ MeEwen, Deputy United States Marshal, returned from Auburn yesterday, going to San Francisco.

Lieutenant-Governor John Daggett came tip from the Bay yesterday, and is stopping at the Capital Hotel. 11. M. I.a Rue left yesterday for San Francisco, and from there goes to the Democratic Convention at Stockton.

Frank McCormick mid wife, who have been visiting Mrs. E. P. Figg, returned to the Bay yesterday afternoon.

William Bcckmau, who has been visiting the coast for the benefit of his health, returned yesterday very much improved.

James Taylor, of San Francisco, was in town yesterday, having come up to ace his sister-in-law, Mrs. Fisher, off for the East. Judge A. B. Dibble, of Grass Valley, came to the city yesterday, to attend the meeting ofthe Fish Commissioners this morning.

Among the Scottish Chiefs who were in the city Saturday were noticed J. Kcar and A. Mi - Neai, of San Francisco; William McDougal, of Stockton.

Allan Henry, J. 11. Sproul and Park Henshaw, of Chico, delegates to the Democratic state Convention, which meets at Stockton to-morrow, went over to that city yesterday.

Captain Dumbreck, of the steamship Bell Rock, now lying in San Krarcisco harbor, came i.r Sacramento to visit his cousin, T. J. Scott, and to enjoy the Caledonian picnic, and returned yesterday to his ship. William Hicks, of Hicksville, one of the bestknown citizens of Sacramento county, and a pioneer of pioneers, is reported to be lying dangerously ill at his home with blood poisoning, and his recovery is doubtful.

P. O'Brien, J. W. Bontlmaunt, John Siles, I). B. Sutton, 8. VI. Hurl and Assemblyman Reuben Clark came down from Colusa yesterday, en route to the Democratic State Convention that meets in Stockton to-morrow.

J. 11. Knowles, Miss Lizzie Richards. Elk Grove: John Eahardt, 1.. Shaffer, J. Adams, Krankliii; Wm. Yuhre. D. ('. Fredericks, Roseville; M. 1). Pah-child, Rocklin; C. Miller, Henry Kiel, 1). O. Harrows and John Quinn, Pleasant Grove, were in the city Saturday.

The following west-bound overland passengers passed Sacramento this morning: S. 1!. Dales and family, Omaha: K. Dunk and son, Germany; K. 1. Renter and wife, china: Miss Hattie Reed, Jacksonville, 111.; Mrs. D. W. Kleinhans, Belvidcre, N. J.; Mis. 11. A. Petcock, Philadelphia; Mr-. Charles 11. Shattuck, San Krancisco: Miss Ella 1.. Thompson, Elkailer. la.: John Howe and wife, Elko, Nev.; J. D. Hull and son, St. Paul, Minn.; (i. W. Cooper, Butte ' ny, M. T.: Miss Belle Armstrong, Princeton. Ind."; Mr-. McKenzie. Miss Sue Weltner, Lead ville, Col.: VV. 11. Fording, Pittsburg, Pfl ; c. Johnson, Montana; J. W. McDonald, San Francisco; T. E. Painter, Missouri; A. M. Johnson, Salt Lake City; W.A.Dennis, San Jose; E. N.Robinson, Charles 0. nine.-. San Francisco; 1.. D. Bruce, Salt Lake City; in special ear, Siamese Minister and suite (six persons and servant

Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel yesterday: Frank Vi. Swiggart, Oakland; A. 11. Dugau, Benicia; W.H. Lyons, Stockton; J. 11. Bo -. San Francisco; M. L. Hammer, city; James Feebun. San Francisco; Mrs. Jas. Perry, I:. rrb,-: p. W. Fortl, Fresno; S. A. Gunst, C. S. Crocker, I. C. coussiiis. San Francisco; Geo. W. Scott, wife and child, Oakland; A. D. Sharon, wife and daughter, San Francisco; Mrs. W. E. Sharon, Virginia City; Creed Havmond, U. Waterhousc and wife, Mrs. John Maikuv, San Francisco; Mrs. Hill and child, Woodland; T. V. Choun, St. Louis, Mo.; I. 11. Southworth, Springfield. Mass.: S. P. Bailey, Los Angeles; Dr. ('. M. Hill, Eureka, Plumas county;.!, illlcnberg, city; E. Shearer, Vreka, Siskiyou county; Wm. Beckman, city; P. If. Slattery, Miss Katie Slattery, Miss Annie Blatter)'. Marysville: J. D. Sollars, Philadelphia; George C. Culler, Colusa; Oscar Koss, Sun Francisco; George A. Billiard, New York; E. Clark, John Dyllyn, San Francisco.

Red Men's Visitation and Banquet. — The Great Sachem of the Imp. 0. R. M., Wm. M. Betts, of Oakland, officially visited the four tribes in this city jointly at lied * * i Jackets Council Friday night, accompanied by Great Senior Sagamore Colonel A. Andrews, of San Francisco; Great Junior Sagamore M. McDonald, of San Francisco j 11. S. Winn, iireat Chief of Records,' of San Francisco; Adam Smith, Great Keeper of Wampum, of San Francisco; Chas. E. Spencer, of this city, Great Prophet; George F. Bronner, of this city, (Ircat Sanap; Governor Stoneman, and many visiting brothers. After the Great Sachem had delivered his address, exemplified the work, speeches were made by the great officers and many others. About halt' past 11 they adjourned to Fishers, where a line collation was spread, and the festivities lasted until 1 o'clock.

Auction Sale.— Sherburn & Smith will sell to-day, at 10 a. m., at the store on the southwest coiner of Third anil Q streets, in lots, a larjjc assortment of groceries, provisions, wines. liquors, tobacco, etc. Also, scales, fireproof safe, and horse. wagon and harness. Also, 333 shares Peoples Savings Bank stock. Sale positive, to close an estate and terms cash.

He that will not economize will have to agonize. — [Confucius.

Two Dollars and Skvknty-five Cents [$2 75) fora pair of men's all-wool, .Mission cassimere pants, at Red House. *

The best place to buy plain golil rings is at 11. ('. Hotfilter's, the goldsmith, Sixth street, between J and K. *