Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 59, Number 36, 5 April 1888 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MISCELLANEOUS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. lfcis powder neverrorles. A marvel of parity, •strength and •wholesomenesß. More economical Vtan the ordinary kin£s, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low-test, ahott-weigbt alum or phosphate powders. Sold mly in can*. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Wall Btreet, New York. W. T. COLEHAN Sc CO., Agents, BAN FRANCISCO jnyMply]. CAL. BANHISe HOUSES. SACRAMENTO BANK, mHI OLDEST SAVINGS BANK IN THE I ci".y, cornerj and Fifth streetß, Sacramento. Guaranteed capital, 85OO,UOO; paid up capital cold coin, SSU.'^ju; loans on real estate, MaTch I, l&its, £!.&!1,(X)8; term and ordinary deposits March 1, MS&, 8^,28 J.l'ji. Term aud ordinary deposits received, and dividends paid in January and Ju'y Money loaned upon real estate oniy. The Benk does exclusively savings bank business. Informal ion furuished upon application to W. P. COI.EMAN, President. ■Ed. R. Hakiltow, Caahle-. 4ptf NATIONAL BANK -OFD. 0. MILLS & CO., SACRAMENTO, CAL. Capital : ~SSOO,OOO DIRECTORS: EDGAR MILI^ _. President 8. P&ENTIBJ SMITH Vice-President FRANK MILLER Cashier CHAaS. F. DILLMAN -.Assistant Cashier P. O. MH.L3. 4ptf CALIFORNIA STATE BANK. Doe* a General Banking Boslnesa. «W Draws Exchange on all the principal cities of the world. OFFICERS : President «. D. RIDEOCT VicePreßident FREDERICK COX o»6hier_ A. ABBOTT DIRECTORS: C. W. CLARK. GEO. C. PERKINS, JOSEPH STEFFENB, J. R. WATSON, N. D. RIDEOUT, FREDERICK COX, A. ABBf-r U_ PEOPLE'S SAYINGS BANK! Office— No. 400 J street, Sacramento. Capital Stock Paid Up $225,237 00 Term and ordinary deposits received. Dividends Paid Semi-Annually. 4^ Money Loaned on Real Etttate Oniy. WM. BECKMAN, President. Wm. F. Htjktoon. Secretary. 6m THE CROCKER-WOOLWORTH Nat itmal Bank of San Francisco, 322 PINE STREET. PAID-UP CAPITAL 91,000,000 (Successor to Crocker, Woolworth &. Co.) DIRECTORS : CHARLES CROCKER E. H. MILLER, JR. R. C. WOOLWORTH President W. E. BROWN Vice-president W. H. CROCKER J4ptf] Cashier HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Corner Seventh and X streets. *9T- STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. -^B» Free ' Bus to and from the Care. U W. O. BOWERS, Proprietor. "western hotel, NOS. 308 TO 219 X BTRKKT. THREE BLOCKS FROM RAILROAD DEPOT. Leading Business aud Family Hotel of Sacramento, Onl. The most convenient to PostOffice. Express and Land Offices, all Courts and P'.afes of Amusement. Meals, 88 cente. Firstclass in all its appointments. Free Coach toand from the Hotel. WM. LAND, Proprietor. WINDSOR HOTEL, Corner Klghlh and J streets, Sacramento, NEARY & FLAHERTY, Props. T» TEALS, 25 CENTS. BEST FAMILY HOTEL IVI Sn the ciiv. street Cars pass witliin one Mm' lt ,■>« I'"- )iir->.- HS-tf - V'" ■ \ lX^fTr^«Swß^i»l|P | n3«sßßMßßHH(S9n^flafl^^H^Vf CAPITAL HOTEL, BACRAMENTO, COKNKIt SEVENTH AND X STKKETS. Flrst-ClaitH Bourn. BlJtwlTltTl & GPrHRiE, Proprietora. JWFree Ouitiiro» to Hud from Ih<" Oarx. •*« PACIFIC HOTEL. Oorner X and Fifth aCreeU, Sacramento. /CENTRALLY LOCATED ANT) CONVENIENT \J to all places of amusement. The best family hotel in the city. The Table always supplied with the best the market affords, street Care txom the Depot pacs the dooxeverj- flve minutes. Heals, 23 ccuw. C. F. BIN(jI.grON, Proprietor THE SADDLE ROCK aESTAORAHT ASD_jOYSTER HOUSE. TJtR6T-CLAB3 HOCKE I~ EVS3Y RESPECT. J; Ladies' Dining-room separate. Open day anduighu ECCKMAKN & CaKHAGHKR.Pk-»-prietore, 1019 Second *:reei, between J and X, bacromento. tf ST. DAVID'S, 15 Howard !•;.. near Third, San r'rancinco. AFIR«T-OLAS.S LODGING HOTEL, OONtaining 200 Moms: water and res in each room; no oetter beds in Lhe world; no guest allowixl in use the Uuen once used by another; a large readme room; hot acd cold waier baths irv A. Friee of roomc Per ni^i. l, 50 and 7b cents; per week. Irom J2 upwards. Open all nichu It. H VGHfiN, Projnletor. *&• At Mtrket-street Ferry tate Omuibss Line of KT.r«ot cars lor Third aud Howard. TTStf SACRAMENTO LUMBER CO., —DEALERS IN— LUMBER, DOORS, ■WINDOWS AXO BLINDS. Main Office. Second Et , Land M ' Qqreamontrt Yard : Front and R streets „ [ Odlrd.lll6niO 4t)lm . CHARLES H. ELDRED, Proprietor, ARTHUR BULGER -MANAGER —or the— /CRYSTAL PAL.\CE SALOON, NO. 906 J \J Hr> et, between Ninth a- A Tenth Best of Wines. Liqnors tad Clear* always in stock.