Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 91, Number 167, 12 August 1896 — MEMORIAL SERVICES. [ARTICLE]


Requiem Ha.ts in Honor of the Late

hewy S. Burke.

The requiem high mass services at the Cathedral yesterday in honor of the memory of Henry S. Burke, the altar boy who was drowned a year ago, were well attended and of a very touching character.

The deceased was a boy of very exemplary character and a favorite with the clergy, his boy associates at the altar and his fellow-pupils at the Christian Brothers' College. The latter were all present at the services, as also were the college faculty and many of the Sisters of Mercy.

George C. Welch, who for upward of four ; -ars served at the altar with Henry Burke, went through the services yesterday unaided. Under his lace surplice he wore deep mourning, and when he entered he carried on his arm the sanctuary robes his companion was wont to wear and laid them tenderly on a mourning-draped chair before the altar.

In Monti's beautiful "Requiem Mass" Edgar Sheehan, Walter Longbottom and Joseph Genshlea. Communion was received by the members of the Sanctuary Society for the repose of the soul of their deceased comrade, and at the close of the regular services prayers for the dead were recited.

The services throogbool were pecai diy touching and Impressive.