San Francisco Call, Volume 70, Number 117, 26 September 1891 — FEDERATED TRADES. [ARTICLE]


An Alleged Violation of the MeKinley Act. W. Q. Armstrong of Seattle. Yice-Presl-dent ot lie newly organized const federation of unions, attended the meeting of the Federated Trades last night and spoke in behalf of tlie lecked-out miners of Franklin, Wasb. The picture he drew was n picture of destitution mid desolation. There are hundreds of starving men, women and children at the mines. Htota had occurred, in which human beings had been shot down like dogs by Pinkerton and no redress could be obtained iv the courts nor from the Governor, vrlin has refused to sign a bill prohibiting the employment of Plnkertons. At the clo-e of >lr. Armstrong's address the council voted $100 for the relief of the miners anil ordered i .'.,"• circulars appealing for aid to be printed ami distributed among the unions. The Executive Committee reported that it had endeavored to make the boycott upon the Abend lost effective, but had not been remarkably successful. It had visited several of the paper's advertisers to Induce thi'in to withdraw their patronage, iv some cases they met with a Hat refusal, In others they learned that the paper is publishing advertisement* for which -it is not being paid. A communication from the American Federation of Labor asking financial assistance liii' the uni' n nx nml edge-tool makers of the country, all of ftbooi »re on strike against baudling Iron made by non-union-ists, was referred to the Executive Committee. The barbers gave notice of n boycott on Peter Itoiel's shop, ou Dupont street, because liekeeps the plate openaitura o'clock iv the evening. The union has adopted a bnfon, which will hereafter distinguish all tho members. The millinen reported that ten contractors liavo re-established the ten-hour day in their shot s. The upholsterers and furniture-workers gave their version of ihe trouble in F. S. Chadboiirne's ftictory. They heM that this is the beginning of a general onslaught upon the unions by ihe Employers' Association. Fulirman of the brewery workmen concurred in thU view, giving as his reason that the National Urewery lias broken faith with the union and is employing members of n "scab" organization. Grambarth of the Cigar-makers' Union, called ntteution to the importation of ISO bales of iSumxtra tobacco by a firm which employs Chinese workmen. He said that the tobacco had been admitted on the uayment of a small duty and was so admitted in violation of the McKlnloy act. The matter will be brought to the attention ol the Government. Organizing Waltr<t«ses. The Cooks' and Waiters' Uuion has under consideration a pl.m to organize the waitresses of the city. The aemi-annu al election of the union will be held ou Tuesday under the Australian system.