San Francisco Call, Volume 75, Number 31, 10 January 1894 — An Expert Young Thief. [ARTICLE]

An Expert Young Thief.

Edna Tiuewortliy, io years or age, was In Judge JoacliJinstn's court yesterday morning charged with petty larceny. She entered a house on Folsom •treet near Fourth on Thursday last and stole a purse containing fir*. Though youug In years Edna is an expert thief, and when she was only 7 years old she was arrested for petty larceny. Her method ts to call at a house aud ask pei mission to i lay with the children. Then she would work her way into the hou«e and steal anything handy. Twice bas she been released wiih a reprimand and sent home with her mother, who lives at 116 Davis street, but yesterday she was sent to the Boys* and Girls' Aid Society.