San Francisco Call, Volume 85, Number 76, 14 February 1899 — ' A Successful Junket. y. I [CHAPTER]

' A Successful Junket. y. I

'* CALL HEADQUARTERS, SACRAMENIrorFtb. 13.— The" Assembly Committee on ' Public Buildings, and Grounds re-, turned- this afternoon from the junketing trip on which It started .Saturday afternoon. ' The first place that was visited was the Affiliated Colleges In San Francisco. Dr. R. Beverly Cole; dean of tho colleges, met the committee at the Palace Hotel and marshaled it through the various buildings of the college, and It is expected that the committee will report favorably upon the bill which makes an appropriation for certain Improvements to tho grounds of the colleges. The buildings at Berkeley were also inspected; and found in a bad condition. * . The Home for the Deaf, the Dumb and the - Blind at Berkeley was also visited and the • committee was very favorably impressed with the way it is conducted- and. is also in favor of the appropriation for .improvements, for which there is a bill before the Assembly. 'At lone, where the committee visited, it was treated royally, and though the committee did -not make, any expression in regard to the matter the bill making, the appropriation will probably be reported upon favorably. . " . • " = • • The committee is made up 'of Messrs. Kelsey, Pierce,. De Lahcie Mllice Mc-. Keen, Hanley, Boone. Knowland, Knights and Stewart! -y 7^ __, /