San Francisco Call, Volume 85, Number 122, 1 April 1899 — CITY OFFICIALS' TERMS ENDED [ARTICLE]


The Farewell of Mayor ThomasiV V ':. ■ HIS ASSOCIATES TO REMAIN mayors SNOW ENTERS • UPON : '-7 Jx' * HIS DUTIES. :' Big Scramble for the- Very Meager . 7 ■_' Amount of * Patronage at the. , Disposal ;of the City .;. - Council, •••::.'.

i Oakland Ofßcfe.Sah Francisco Call, I ;;. * ' ' . '••X'S^B.'rVad.Way.^laich 31, • Mayor Thomas bade' farewell to the I City tM-night.;;. fhis'"!(r;i:ooi_ -. the Board of Works, hi-id i*"ijfie6*tlng lasting exactly a minute.,- The "mtnutts -.of the last meeting- vn-i*fc -read .approved; and after being, sigfied tfie" d!' 'govern men t | was dead. Mayor -'Thomas * -bade his .colleagues adieu and; retired tp7prlvatei.iife. ! Mr. Dow .and ilr.''\*iemenr; ..-who' iSljcCeed j themselves, wlU 4 m'*ee„ \vith..Mr."'Sno : to- ■ morrow and. the \ifew:'. board*, will, organize, -f. Harry Thomas as ■lr\;i-*will ; -ca.l.l*'jt | to order, but.a feVv'.*i)!inu't<.-s Jater* he*-.*\i-H . : vacate his chalr.f'brlhlss'uc-essbr;.- Thei:© I Is some doubt as to; who- hi ay be- -elected l* secretary, but- the choice apparent.** I les. J* between D. C. Hinsdale', Professor. | and E. S. Finch, ■'. '"••'» '• -..'.' Mayor will have.tHe'.namlng of. the | secretary, for Mr. Dow said' this afternoon, . that. Inasmuch as the .secretary of,' the' Board i'( Works is also* practically pri- i vate secretary: to. the Mayor, he . -would f vote for any man whom Mr. -Snow chose to name. Mr. Snow will, not "say to-night : * who is his favorite. .- • .'• • Auditor A. H. Breed has been acquaint- : ing himself with the oflice so. long -'filled ! by Mr. Snow, and to-morrow morning he 'j will officially enter upon .his new d-uties. His deputies will be B. Below, AY. J. Pat--terson and A. L. Hannaford. ; Treasurer Gilpin succeeded himself as ( usual, and there will be very little change J

for several days In any, of the departi ments. J ••". • • ''.'.'• -• ■' ': The City Council has evidently "whisper-, ed some assurances' tp;- Colonel', -dolin Wilds, the ' ancient- janitor. of "the CityHall, for he isvery confident that. he -will not be disturbed a.^ chief cobweb sweeper to the fjovernim*n't' t ' .John/ : ha's been .tanlr tor of the City flail for/just tsvejit-y year's, and on several occasions h£ has saved th« old pile from' destruction by fire',. Who it he would probably:..have-'reiKlpr€d the city- a better service- ■ had- : he; tenco'urage.d. flames. -'.'". " ■ .. '•...• • • The struggle ."for City V/harfinper- has narrowed .dojv.n -from -nineteen -to five candidates'.. They -are: WaKfieT., Downey, Courtney, Griffith . and M-urdock, the .incumbent. No one 'has -as .'yet Buffl'ciejit votes to insure ills elee.tron. ■ Council-men. Shaffer and Kramra are anxious .to 'appoint Courtney', but the balance of .the vote will probably be divided' among:'the other men for several .ballots. '.-•■' ••■ ,v, •■■:-=■:• ■-."..»:•■ ' •M- • •