San Francisco Call, Volume 87, Number 81, 19 February 1900 — Cathedral Council's Dance. [ARTICLE]

Cathedral Council's Dance.

The third anniversary ball of Cathedral Council Xo. 59. Y. M. 1., will be held In JCative Sons' Hall next Friday evening. The many details connected with an event of this kind have received the careful attention of the members of the council, and the .affair is looked forward to with pleasurable anticipation. In the past the success of Cathedral Council's receptions has been largely due to the fact that admission Is strictly by Invitation. This year will be no exception to the rule, and already a laree demand has been made upon the members for the coveted cards. The committee of arrangements consists of John D. Mahoney (chairman), Harry Burns. Daniel C. Dea»y, Edward J. Dollard. P. Farrell, W. Chester Keogh. E. T. Messersmith. P. H. McCarty, L. Kelly. T. Ryan. The floor will be in charge of \V. T. Humphrey, with Joseph Orr assistant, and the following floor committee: A. W. Dollard, W. A. O'Leary, Dr. W. S. Hopper, Dr. James O'Connor, A. C. Quatman and R. E. Martinez. The reception committee consists of Neal Power, Charles T. McCarthy, H. L. Nagel. M. C. Vuleclvich, Frank Farren and Paul Spottlswood.