San Francisco Call, Volume 97, Number 144, 22 April 1905 — CRICKET SEASON CLOSE AT HAND [ARTICLE]


Programme of 3latches for the 1905 Championship to Be Distributed Soon

E. H. M. Lannowe, F. J. Croll and Henry Roberts, the committee appointed to prepare a schedule of matches to be played under the management of the California Cricket Association during the season of 1905, have completed their work. The schedule, as arranged by the committee, is already in the hands of the printer and will be ready for distribution before the opening match on May 7. It provides that fourteen matches, each shall be played by the Pacific, Alameda and San Francisco County clubs, and six by the Santa Cruz club for the 1905 chan^pionship of the association. The Burns Valley and Sacramento clubs, though members of the association, have no games arranged.

The Santa Cruz team will play three matches on the Alameda ground and three on its own ground at Santa Cruz. The three played at AJameda will take place on May 27, 28 and 30, against the Alameda. San Francisco County and Pacific elevens in the order named. During; the Independence day holidays t"he Santa Cruz team will play on its own grounds at Santa Cruz against the 'San Francisco County eleven on July 1. against the Alameda eleven on July 2. and against the Pacific .team . on Independence day.' The schedule also provides for two veterans' matches, married vs. single, England against all-comers, champions .vs. a. cornjjined eleven and a closing game with twenty-two players on each side. The dates of the matches follow:

Alay 7, Alameda vs. Pacific; May 14 San Francisco County vs. Alaweda; May XL Pacific vs. San Francisco County; May. 28, San Krancisco County vb. Santa Cruz; May 30, Pacific vs. Santa Ouz: June 4, Married vs. SlnXl«?; June 11. Pacific v«. Alameda; June 18, Alameda vs. San Francisco County; June 25, Han Francisco County vn. racltlc at Alameda; July 1, Santa Cruz vs. I.San Francisco CountyJuly 2, Santa Cruz vs. Alameda: July 4, Santa < ruz vk. Pacific at .Santa Cruz: Veterans v» Juniors; July 8. Alameda vs. Pacific; July 18. San Francisco County vs. Alatneda; July 23 Pacific vs. San Francisco County; July :i<>, England vs. All Comers; August ' 6 Pacific vs. Alameda; August 13, Alam.via vs. San Francisco County; August 20. San Francisco County vs. Pacific; August 27, Alameda vs. Pacific: September 3. San Francisco County v«. Alameda: September 9, Veterans vs Juniors; September 10, Pacific vs. San Francisco County: September IT. Pacific vs. Alameda: bept^mber 24. Alameda vg. San Francisco County; October 1, Pan Francisco County vs Pacific; October 8, Champions vs. Combined Tram; October IS, grand nnale, 22 on a side at Alameda.

The members of the Burns Valley (Lake County) cricket club at their annual meeting decided to keep up their organization and to retain their connection with the California Cricket Association. The only officer of the club is T. W. Beakbane, who acts as secretary and treasurer. The delegates to the association are H. P H Haggitt and G. R. Webber. At the annual meeting of the California Cricket Association the secretary of each affiliated club was appointed a "recorder," whose duty It will be to send the results of the matches in which his club takes part accurately written out in forms to be provided by "The American Cricketer." to the editor of that Philadelphian periodical, for publication.