San Francisco Call, Volume 107, Number 39, 8 January 1910 — PUZZLE CONTEST [ARTICLE]


THE puzzles presented in last Saturday's Junior Call, were unusually interesting and brought a groat number of answers. The correct solutions are: (1) Sycamore, (2) vinegar, (3) pheasant, (4) Q, (5) Peary, f6) porcupine. The prizes for the correct answers are awarded to: ■ ' ■

C. H. IMitnam, /29 S. "Whitney street, San Jose. ; „ . .

. "J. GlbMon Knvnnnßli, care G. -W. Kav-anag-h, Hayward. . . - : ',' ;

Ineas Provost, 142 Locust . street, Woodland. ...

Uert; Gllbrldc, .15 Elizabeth street, San. Francisco. .' ■' '• '•. ' . •'.'■

...Helen IlnwklnM, St. Nlcolai apartments, Sixteenth and Clay streets, Oakland. .; . ■ - : ' .. ':. •' ■:■ ■ ' ]:~~i ■ ' '' ■

„ Six more, of these delightful puzzles are'presented today, for^the correct^solution 'of which flve ; of '.'the excellent Junior .Call fountain', pens will be awarded : as prize ; for five/correct answers? showing .greatest neatness: and care. .Juniors entering the' puzzle contest should observe carefully.;the conY ditions specified.' '-As a matter of fact; there .J is „ only one .condition *: p ,.whlcli makes it. all the more surprising that even that Is so frequently overlooked. It is announced each^week that! the answers, to j the puzzles must bo submitted on -postal cards, ;=; = jflalnly; and neatly written,: and ; not,* Jn ' sealed envelopes." Nevertheless, many, answers are sent in regularly each 'week written" on "•letter-" heads, and Inclosed in envelopes.." Sucli answershave not the slightest chance of being; awarded a prize,, because, it requires, too much .time to open so many 'letters, and for Vthis- reason the postal'; cards are' specified. ;|To ;be particularand exact ln;attentlon-' to detail is a' very> desirable habit ■;•:.. toVa'cquiro early 'in'jlifei ,, because success '." seldom comes <,to a;pcrson>who 'Is /not careful and .'particular in his work: .

;'■•: There Is'one thing more. Five of these} fine fountain', pens are < a warded each week. ■ Some, junior's acknowledge receipt -of them .'and others do not.' Now,; one "of the; fiVst requisites in 'business or social life Is aiprompt acknowledgninnt of ?I any thing,, received. ,':'. When a bill is paid the receipt oil the- immediately acknowledged, /and the businessman who'did not do 'so,- would beJconsldered a: very, poo;r' businessman indeed^ Somo lettorsjfrom juniors Avho have.iemeinbeved to acknowledge their, prizes below.- Thqs^ who 'have not . acknowledged vtheir^'priises , have simply notthought abqUt; it, but there is '.ah old maxim,', "Better,;, late never.",.- : ; . ': ■ 'v >'■' '\\ '-' -.. ' '■ ■ ■ JVJiion CORRESPO.VWE.VC'B

: : Mr, Kdlto'r Junior;. Call, City. — Dear Sir: I beg to^.acknowledge,! receipt of tho beautiful fountain pen you .kindly awarded me imthe Junior .Cult of , December ,25, ,1909; ItLluia /afforded, me especial, pleasure 'in being: published just '-on. Cliristmas chry/*and'./ ( thereby bolng app'reiylated as a Christmas; token from the. Junior Call- and 1 remembered us 'such,' m : : ..." ■; *;■' j* ";: ■■■ .' ' Thanking., you fon). the: award and wishing; the Junior Call and itsi-many reailers ' a : happy • new-year, I. am: youra respectfully,;, " ;'. v ',i '■'. '■■ ■ : .

■ •■ HELEN EINSKLENr ; ' ;; '■ !." : "' ,v" 2428 Fnl'tbh ,'fitreet. ' |3an Francisco, Jan." 2, 1 pi 0. \] >

'.. San. .Francisco, Cal.,/Dec.":3l, 1009. "The Junior Call, San Francisco — Dear Sirs: I wish to thank you for the beautiful fountain pen t}iat. was awarded me for writing a stqry. I am writing, now," so you can how pertectly it works. ' Youts'truly,*!9RinaiH| , ■ ♦ ,G>tANDIHON! : )IUBDELL.

San Francisco, Dec 30, 1309. • Editor Junior; Call— Dear. Editor.:; I am bo .happy over 1 my lovely fountain pen, and 1 thank you, very; much toy it. Kvery morning I thtnk, how many more days -until Haturdny I ',; and the Junior Call.- Yours^very truly i* • ■', ;' JIEHVIN' SJCILIiENGKR. ',