San Francisco Call, Volume 108, Number 39, 9 July 1910 — SOLDIERS STORM JAIL IN SEARCH OF NEGRO [ARTICLE]


Projected- Lynching Bee Narrowly Averted

WASHINGTON. July S.— Determined to avenge the probably fatal injury to one of their fellow soldiers. Private Scott of Battery D, Third artillery. U. ■ S. A., between 40 and 50 white troopers and artillerymen from Fort Meyer, Va., early today made an attempt to storm the Alexandria county jail on Fort Myer heights to lynch Robert' Jackson, a hegro. Jailer Harry Crack persuaded the soldiers that Jackson was not within the jail, thereby saving the negro. " Private Scott was slashed across the abdomen ;with" a . razor .during a fight between a crowd of and some soldiers on a trolley car bound for Fort Myer the night of the Jeffries-Johnson fight. .. ' ColonelJßeed, commaiiding the garrison at Fort Myer.. has ordered an investigation into wbat he termed "an incident savoring too strongly of the Brownsville affair." \