San Francisco Call, Volume 112, Number 57, 27 July 1912 — HUSBAND LEAVES HOME; WIFE FEARS HE'S DEAD [ARTICLE]


Police Are Asked to Search for Charles Eickmeier

OAKLAND, July 26.—Charles Eickmeier, 37 Hopkins street, has been missing from his home since yesterday morning, and his wife. Marie Elckmeier, believes he has committed suicide. Eickmeier sent an unsigned note to the police department, saying that he was about to kin himself and that his body would be found in the foothills near Frultvale.

His wife asked tbe aid of tbe police today and a search was made, but without success. In a note to his wife he said: "Now that I am going away you can marry again and be happy. Take care of the children, and before you make a move be careful. You will never see me again."

Eickmeier leaves a two weeks old baby and an IS months old girl. Eickmeier was employed by an automobile firm in San Francisco. His wife said today that he left home In a huff because 6he sent a suit of his to be dyed without his permission.