Sausalito News, Volume 23, Number 50, 14 December 1907 — MONEY STRINGENCY DOES NOT AFFECT SHIPMENTS OF FRUIT [ARTICLE]


San Francisco. —Southern Pacific freight traffic officials stnte that In spile of the tight money market the volume of Oaluornla east and west bound overland freight shipments is good. Every day over 100 cars of, oranges and vegetables are leaving the slate for the large Eastern cities. Hundreds Of carloads of dried fruits" are en route Bast From Northern California alone since October Ist, 800 ears of green fruit and KDOUt 1500 can Of oranges and lemons have been sent to points east of the Itoek.v .Mountains. l-'roni present indications Southern i tUlfomla will .ship Easi during the winter and spring months limhi cars of vegetaotes and .'{l'.ihhi carloads

ol lemons and oranges. For the ten months ending November the officials s.-iy Northern California shipped to points outside of the stale 10,012 ears of vegetables aim j green and citrus fruits, nearly 1000 more than for the same period of last year. During me same period Southern i nllfornia shipped -7,.'>::."> cars of citrus fruits and :: 177 of vegetables. The officials state that figures just compiled show that the Southern Pacific gluce the fire of April 18, WOO, lias spont for equipment to handle California frame tl(i,0QO,o00 im(' fc"' track and terminal Improvements nearly ■$!<•,■ 111 ii ',1 :< II I.