Amador Ledger-Dispatch, Volume 1901, Number 15, 15 November 1901 — Spreads Like Wildfire. [ARTICLE]

Spreads Like Wildfire.

When things are "the best" they become "the best selling." Abraham Hare, a leading druggist of BellevillR) 0., writes: "Kiectric Bitters aF^ule best selling bitters I havo handled in 20 years." You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run-down man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by D. B. Spagnoli, druggist. «r