Amador Ledger-Dispatch, Volume 1903, Number 30, 30 January 1903 — Two Clever Statesmen. [ARTICLE]

Two Clever Statesmen.

One crisis in Lord Palmerston's life Illustrates the absolute good humor which may prevail even when political enmity is at its worst. Lord Derby bad made an attack upon him iv the upper house with such energy and eloquence that the odds against him seemed overwhelming. But he defended himself and his policy from the dusk of one day to the dawn of another with such tact, dexterity and force of appeal to the national sense of honor that he was acquitted of nil blame by a majority of fourscore.

Next day In passing through the corridor leading from an anteroom to the upper house one swing door opened to his baud and at the same moment the other to that of Lord Derby. They were opponents, but they were also manly and sweet natured men. They smiled.

"I was Just thinking," said Palmerston, "what a clever fellow he was who so nearly put mo in a hole!"

"Ah," was the rejoinder, "but nothing like the cleverness of the fellow .who got you out of it!"