Amador Ledger-Dispatch, Volume 1903, Number 12, 12 June 1903 — NEWS OF THE WEEK [ARTICLE]


rhort News Items of Interest to the Lc-^er -Readers.

Ledger and Daily Record-Union $7.00 For a good potatoe try. Caminetti's lurbanks. Pioneer Flour is the "Lily of the Tallev." the "Pearl of Perfection." Miss Mildred Smith returned Monay evening from a short visit to the ity. . ,;;.,: Tug of war will be one of the features f the day at the Italian picnic, Simlay, June 14. . ■ •:..*". Nothing will please an Invalid as well >s a package of those fancy cakes from 'aminelti's Mkt. There are 150 men employed by the Standard Electric Company on the rorks at Blue lakes. Mrs. Harvey Clark, who has been mjoying a month's vacation at the bay, eturned Monday. St. Augustine Guild will rneot with' >Irs. N. Williams Wednesdaj afterloon next, June 17th. St. Augustine church Sunday next: Evening prayer and sermon 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. in. Men's soft shirts for picnic at RedIck's, 50c, 75c, $1.00,5 1.25, $2.00, $2.50. The Jackson band will furnish the lusic for the picnic and ball at the talian picnic, Sunday, June 14. Judge Davis returned to Jackson last Saturday evening, from a business trip 0 Placervillo and San Francisco. r. J. B. Trogloan has been appointed >y state mineralogist Aubrey to do eological work in Araador county, . Misses' patent kid shoes at the Jackon Shoe Store; all widths, and at the owest prices. Guaranteed to wear. C. W.Schacht, Dentist, Webb bulldog. Hours — 9 to 12 a. in; Itosp. m. Saturdays 9 to 12 a. in: 1 to 4 p. m. A new line of ladies' oxfords just arived. See our new styles. Just the hing for the picnics, at the Jackson Shoe Store. Miss Hattie Himmenofen of Mokelimne Hill, is visiting- relatives in Jackon for a few weeks, the guest of Mrs. larry Jones. M. E. church services Sunday, June 4 — Sunday school, 10 a. in.; sernum, la. m. ; Epwortb League, 7:00 p. m.; 'hildroos' meeting, 7:45 p. m. Men's straw hats for picnic at RedIck'S, 25c, 50c, 75c, »1.00, 81.50, $2.00. Mrs. E. Caminetti and Mrs. Wm. ones have been in attendance at the rrand parlor N. D. G. W., at Red Stuff during the present week. See our new King-sbury hats, latest tyles and best hand made hat on earth.' Tor sale only at the Jackson Shoe store. . Miss Mary McLaughlin of Volcano, epresented Conrad Parlor at Red Bluff during the session of the grand >arlor held there this week. The Jewel Bourbons and the Angels 'amp nine will play for a of .SSO it the Italian picnic, Sunday, June 14. t wilt be a hot game; you should not nissit. Fred Eudey weni to Auburn, Placer ounty, Monday, accompanying the emains of C. E. Purington. The funral took place in Auburn Tuesday. : Men's dusters for picnic at Red lick's. 11.25, $1.50, and $2.00. A large brush fire started below tempo Seco early this week, and >urned over a considerable area of rease wood in that section of Calaveras ounty. Mrs. W. A. Knapp and family left londay morning for San . Francisco, fhere they wilt spend a few weeks, .later on they expect to join Mr. Knapp n Colorado, where he is interested in tuning. ; Ladies' and misses' fast black hose t the Jackson Shoe Store for 10c per lair. Try them. Fred and Olive, brother and sister of as. Jay Wright, who have been atending school in Oakland, arrived in acksoa Sunday evening. They laft he following morning for the Wideawake mine in Calaveras county where heir summer vacation will be spent. Street building under municipal government comes high. Lately the ity of Sonora called for bids for remilding in up-to-date style one street >f that city. One proposal was reeived, the bid being close to $18,000. Che trustees thought it was too costly 1 luxury under the present condition if the treasury, and dropped the subect for the time being. Ladies' belts for picnic at Redllck's or 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. R. J. Christianson, night foreman at he Oneida mine, met with a painful iccident Tuesday night by being struck n the eye by a piece of steel. He was >vorseeing some work in a station vhere some men were drilling, when a riece of steel from one of the drills flew rad struck him in the eye. Christianion was obliged to quit work, and on ,he following day went to Sutter Creek md had Dr. Lewis remove the steel, j ' Stop in at Penry & Moon's on your *&y home and get a paper box of deicious iee cream for the children. They fill enjoy it. : .••.-:■ A new pipe has been placed this week .0 supply the hospital with water, or •athor the old pipe formerly used to iprinkle the lone road has been taken ip to the extent necessary to furnish .he new line. The old pipe had been vorn to such an extent that it was tractically worthless. No water could >c got through it at times, it had besome so choked with rust. The new tipe is i\ inches; the pipe line abandmed is 2 inches in diameter. The service is much more satisfactory, as the lew line will be kept exclusively for the lse of the hospital. The lone road is being treated to a iberal coating of. oil. The treatment s confined to that portion of the roadvay from lone to within a mile )f Mountain Springs— five miles in all. The oil is being spread cold. A dis;ussion is now on as to the relative advantages of cold and heated oil for roadnaking purposes. By means of brush .he Loose soil is stirred immediately if tor the oil is sprinkled, so as to insure i. good mixture of tho oil with the jarth. The traction engine is expect)d to make its appearance over the •oad in a few days. Tha Ledger hereby announces that »utside of the simple announcement of sburch services on the Sabbath, no rce advertising- will hereafter be adnitted to these columns. The distincion between a legitimate news item mil an advertisement is clearly marked. \Dy social event in the future, whether or the benefit of the church or aqy senovolent or other cause, and for which an admission fee is charged, is m advertisement, and cannot be anlounced gratis. It has come to pass that any social function that comes aJong, no matter if the raising of funds >y an admission price is the main object, s looked upon as entitled tp free notice n the local papers. In many instances this free laudation is depended upon ex.slusively to make the affair known. In future we shall cut out all such notices, unless the intention is clearly expressed to pay for the same at regular rates, or unless some business in the shape of job printing or other patronage is received in connection therewith. The Ledger has been played— we might say preyed— upon to the limit in this regard. Hereafter the line will be strictly adhered to, regardless of the course pursued by our cotemporarfea.