Amador Ledger-Dispatch, Volume 1903, Number 9, 9 October 1903 — "~ Is There an American Face f ~ [ARTICLE]

"~ Is There an American Face f ~

The English face, the Jewish face, the Irish face, the Italian face, the. Chinese face, the Japanese face, the French face, the Indian face, even the negro face— all these have , something about them which calls up a definite picture in one's mind. But the American face has no strong characteristic to differentiate it from other faces of superior races, remarks London Health. It is international, for here and there one may find the traces which suggest a relation' to this, that or the other face. It may be a line or a ligament bequeathed by an early English ancestry, or something suggestive of Teutonlo origin, or a sharp suggestion of the Frenchman's face or the Irishman's, ox the Italian's or the Scotchman's. Bui when one must deal with the American abstractly one can scarcely call up the American face.

Uncle Bam', with his striped trousers, his sharply cut coat, his plug hat, his whiskers and his bland, good natured countenance, Is a happy conception, yet he may never hope to portray .the matchless and indescribable cosmopolitanism of the American face.